@article{CRGEOS_2005__337_6_609_0, author = {Taniel Danelian and Laurence Le Callonnec and Jochen Erbacher and David C. Mosher and Mitchell J. Malone and Debora Berti and Karen L. Bice and Helen Bostock and Hans-J\"urgen Brumsack and Astrid Forster and Felix Heidersdorf and Jorijntje Henderiks and Thomas J. Janecek and Christopher Junium and Ken MacLeod and Philip A. Meyers and J\"org H. Mutterlose and Hiroshi Nishi and Richard D. Norris and James G. Ogg and Matthew A. O'Regan and Brice Rea and Philip Sexton and Helen Sturt-Fredricks and Yusuke Suganuma and J\"urgen W. Thurow and Paul A. Wilson and Sherwood W. Wise and Christine Glatz}, title = {R\'esultats pr\'eliminaires sur la s\'edimentation p\'elagique de {l'Atlantique} tropical au {Cr\'etac\'e} et au {Tertiaire} (plateau de {Demerara,} {Leg} {ODP} 207)}, journal = {Comptes Rendus. G\'eoscience}, pages = {609--616}, publisher = {Elsevier}, volume = {337}, number = {6}, year = {2005}, doi = {10.1016/j.crte.2005.01.011}, language = {fr}, }