Comptes Rendus
Planck 2015 results and inflation
Comptes Rendus. Physique, Cosmic inflation / Inflation cosmique, Volume 16 (2015) no. 10, pp. 891-913.

The Planck mission prime objective was a very accurate and complete measurement of the temperature anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Cosmological results from the intensity data of the nominal mission of a duration of 15 months were disclosed on 21 March 2013. Fortunately, the satellite kept acquiring data for at least twice longer, and we announced in February 2015 new results based on all the data acquired, both in temperature and polarization. I provide a short overview of the latest data and findings of most interest for inflation, as a basis for the other contributions to this volume. This overview is entirely based on the published or submitted works of the Planck collaboration.

L'objectif premier de la mission Planck était de mesurer de manière très précise et complète les anisotropies de température du fond de rayonnement cosmique. Les résultats cosmologiques obtenus à partir des données d'intensité de la mission dite « nominale », d'une durée de 15 mois, ont été rendus publics le 21 mars 2013. Fort heureusement, le satellite a continué à acquérir des données pendant au moins deux fois plus longtemps, et nous avons annoncé en février 2015 une nouvelle série de résultats basés sur toutes les données collectées, aussi bien en température qu'en polarisation. Le texte présente de manière succincte ces dernières données et découvertes d'intérêt pour l'étude de l'inflation, ce qui fournira une base aux autres contributions de ce dossier. Ce résumé est entièrement fondé sur les travaux publiés ou soumis par la collaboration Planck.

Published online:
DOI: 10.1016/j.crhy.2015.11.001
Keywords: Cosmology, Inflation, CMB, Planck
Mots-clés : Cosmologie, Inflation, Rayonnement cosmique de fond, Planck

François R. Bouchet 1

1 Institut d'astrophysique de Paris, CNRS & Sorbonne Université—UPMC, 98 bis, boulevard Arago, 75014, Paris, France
     author = {Fran\c{c}ois R. Bouchet},
     title = {\protect\emph{Planck} 2015 results and inflation},
     journal = {Comptes Rendus. Physique},
     pages = {891--913},
     publisher = {Elsevier},
     volume = {16},
     number = {10},
     year = {2015},
     doi = {10.1016/j.crhy.2015.11.001},
     language = {en},
AU  - François R. Bouchet
TI  - Planck 2015 results and inflation
JO  - Comptes Rendus. Physique
PY  - 2015
SP  - 891
EP  - 913
VL  - 16
IS  - 10
PB  - Elsevier
DO  - 10.1016/j.crhy.2015.11.001
LA  - en
ID  - CRPHYS_2015__16_10_891_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A François R. Bouchet
%T Planck 2015 results and inflation
%J Comptes Rendus. Physique
%D 2015
%P 891-913
%V 16
%N 10
%I Elsevier
%R 10.1016/j.crhy.2015.11.001
%G en
%F CRPHYS_2015__16_10_891_0
François R. Bouchet. Planck 2015 results and inflation. Comptes Rendus. Physique, Cosmic inflation / Inflation cosmique, Volume 16 (2015) no. 10, pp. 891-913. doi : 10.1016/j.crhy.2015.11.001.

[1] J.A. Tauber; N. Mandolesi; J. Puget; T. Banos; M. Bersanelli; F.R. Bouchet; R.C. Butler; J. Charra; G. Crone; J. Dodsworth et al. Planck pre-launch status: the Planck mission, Astron. Astrophys., Volume 520 (2010) | DOI

[2] Planck Collaboration I Planck early results, I: the Planck mission, Astron. Astrophys., Volume 536 (2011) | arXiv | DOI

[3] M. Bersanelli; N. Mandolesi; R.C. Butler; A. Mennella; F. Villa; B. Aja; E. Artal; E. Artina; C. Baccigalupi; M. Balasini; G. Baldan; A. Banday; P. Bastia; P. Battaglia; T. Bernardino; E. Blackhurst; L. Boschini; C. Burigana; G. Cafagna; B. Cappellini; F. Cavaliere; F. Colombo; G. Crone; F. Cuttaia; O. D'Arcangelo; L. Danese; R.D. Davies; R.J. Davis; L. de Angelis; G.C. de Gasperis; L. de La Fuente; A. de Rosa; G. de Zotti; M.C. Falvella; F. Ferrari; R. Ferretti; L. Figini; S. Fogliani; C. Franceschet; E. Franceschi; T. Gaier; S. Garavaglia; F. Gomez; K. Gorski; A. Gregorio; P. Guzzi; J.M. Herreros; S.R. Hildebrandt; R. Hoyland; N. Hughes; M. Janssen; P. Jukkala; D. Kettle; V.H. Kilpiä; M. Laaninen; P.M. Lapolla; C.R. Lawrence; D. Lawson; J.P. Leahy; R. Leonardi; P. Leutenegger; S. Levin; P.B. Lilje; S.R. Lowe; P.M. Lubin; D. Maino; M. Malaspina; M. Maris; J. Marti-Canales; E. Martinez-Gonzalez; A. Mediavilla; P. Meinhold; M. Miccolis; G. Morgante; P. Natoli; R. Nesti; L. Pagan; C. Paine; B. Partridge; J.P. Pascual; F. Pasian; D. Pearson; M. Pecora; F. Perrotta; P. Platania; M. Pospieszalski; T. Poutanen; M. Prina; R. Rebolo; N. Roddis; J.A. Rubiño-Martin; M.J. Salmon; M. Sandri; M. Seiffert; R. Silvestri; A. Simonetto; P. Sjoman; G.F. Smoot; C. Sozzi; L. Stringhetti; E. Taddei; J. Tauber; L. Terenzi; M. Tomasi; J. Tuovinen; L. Valenziano; J. Varis; N. Vittorio; L.A. Wade; A. Wilkinson; F. Winder; A. Zacchei; A. Zonca Planck pre-launch status: design and description of the low frequency instrument, Astron. Astrophys., Volume 520 (2010) | arXiv | DOI

[4] A. Mennella; R.C. Butler; A. Curto; F. Cuttaia; R.J. Davis; J. Dick; M. Frailis; S. Galeotta; A. Gregorio; H. Kurki-Suonio; C.R. Lawrence; S. Leach; J.P. Leahy; S. Lowe; D. Maino; N. Mandolesi; M. Maris; E. Martínez-González; P.R. Meinhold; G. Morgante; D. Pearson; F. Perrotta; G. Polenta; T. Poutanen; M. Sandri; M.D. Seiffert; A.-S. Suur-Uski; D. Tavagnacco; L. Terenzi; M. Tomasi; J. Valiviita; F. Villa; R. Watson; A. Wilkinson; A. Zacchei; A. Zonca; B. Aja; E. Artal; C. Baccigalupi; A.J. Banday; R.B. Barreiro; J.G. Bartlett; N. Bartolo; P. Battaglia; K. Bennett; A. Bonaldi; L. Bonavera; J. Borrill; F.R. Bouchet; C. Burigana; P. Cabella; B. Cappellini; X. Chen; L. Colombo; M. Cruz; L. Danese; O. D'Arcangelo; R.D. Davies; G. de Gasperis; A. de Rosa; G. de Zotti; C. Dickinson; J.M. Diego; S. Donzelli; G. Efstathiou; T.A. Enßlin; H.K. Eriksen; M.C. Falvella; F. Finelli; S. Foley; C. Franceschet; E. Franceschi; T.C. Gaier; R.T. Génova-Santos; D. George; F. Gómez; J. González-Nuevo; K.M. Górski; A. Gruppuso; F.K. Hansen; D. Herranz; J.M. Herreros; R.J. Hoyland; N. Hughes; J. Jewell; P. Jukkala; M. Juvela; P. Kangaslahti; E. Keihänen; R. Keskitalo; V.-H. Kilpia; T.S. Kisner; J. Knoche; L. Knox; M. Laaninen; A. Lähteenmäki; J.-M. Lamarre; R. Leonardi; J. León-Tavares; P. Leutenegger; P.B. Lilje; M. López-Caniego; P.M. Lubin; M. Malaspina; D. Marinucci; M. Massardi; S. Matarrese; F. Matthai; A. Melchiorri; L. Mendes; M. Miccolis; M. Migliaccio; S. Mitra; A. Moss; P. Natoli; R. Nesti; H.U. Nørgaard-Nielsen; L. Pagano; R. Paladini; D. Paoletti; B. Partridge; F. Pasian; V. Pettorino; D. Pietrobon; M. Pospieszalski; G. Prézeau; M. Prina; P. Procopio; J.-L. Puget; C. Quercellini; J.P. Rachen; R. Rebolo; M. Reinecke; S. Ricciardi; G. Robbers; G. Rocha; N. Roddis; J.A. Rubino-Martín; M. Savelainen; D. Scott; R. Silvestri; A. Simonetto; P. Sjoman; G.F. Smoot; C. Sozzi; L. Stringhetti; J.A. Tauber; G. Tofani; L. Toffolatti; J. Tuovinen; M. Türler; G. Umana; L. Valenziano; J. Varis; P. Vielva; N. Vittorio; L.A. Wade; C. Watson; S.D.M. White; F. Winder Planck early results, III: first assessment of the low frequency instrument in-flight performance, Astron. Astrophys., Volume 536 (2011) | arXiv | DOI

[5] J. Lamarre; J. Puget; P.A.R. Ade; F. Bouchet; G. Guyot; A.E. Lange; F. Pajot; A. Arondel; K. Benabed; J. Beney; A. Benoît; J. Bernard; R. Bhatia; Y. Blanc; J.J. Bock; E. Bréelle; T.W. Bradshaw; P. Camus; A. Catalano; J. Charra; M. Charra; S.E. Church; F. Couchot; A. Coulais; B.P. Crill; M.R. Crook; K. Dassas; P. de Bernardis; J. Delabrouille; P. de Marcillac; J. Delouis; F. Désert; C. Dumesnil; X. Dupac; G. Efstathiou; P. Eng; C. Evesque; J. Fourmond; K. Ganga; M. Giard; R. Gispert; L. Guglielmi; J. Haissinski; S. Henrot-Versillé; E. Hivon; W.A. Holmes; W.C. Jones; T.C. Koch; H. Lagardère; P. Lami; J. Landé; B. Leriche; C. Leroy; Y. Longval; J.F. Macías-Pérez; T. Maciaszek; B. Maffei; B. Mansoux; C. Marty; S. Masi; C. Mercier; M. Miville-Deschênes; A. Moneti; L. Montier; J.A. Murphy; J. Narbonne; M. Nexon; C.G. Paine; J. Pahn; O. Perdereau; F. Piacentini; M. Piat; S. Plaszczynski; E. Pointecouteau; R. Pons; N. Ponthieu; S. Prunet; D. Rambaud; G. Recouvreur; C. Renault; I. Ristorcelli; C. Rosset; D. Santos; G. Savini; G. Serra; P. Stassi; R.V. Sudiwala; J. Sygnet; J.A. Tauber; J. Torre; M. Tristram; L. Vibert; A. Woodcraft; V. Yurchenko; D. Yvon Planck pre-launch status: the HFI instrument, from specification to actual performance, Astron. Astrophys., Volume 520 (2010) | DOI

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[15] S. Hanany; P.A.R. Ade; A. Balbi; J. Bock; J.D. Borrill; A. Boscaleri; P.G. Ferreira; V.V. Hristov; A.H. Jaffe; A.E. Lange; A.T. Lee; P.D. Mauskopf; S. Oh; E. Pascale; B. Rabii; P.L. Richards; R. Stompor; C.D. Winant; J.H.P. Wu MAXIMA-1: a measurement of the cosmic microwave background anisotropy on angular scales of 10 arcmin–5 degree, Astrophys. J., Volume 545 (2000) no. 1, p. L5-L9

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[20] C.L. Reichardt; P.A.R. Ade; J.J. Bock; J.R. Bond; J.A. Brevik; C.R. Contaldi; M.D. Daub; J.T. Dempsey; J.H. Goldstein; W.L. Holzapfel; C.L. Kuo; A.E. Lange; M. Lueker; M. Newcomb; J.B. Peterson; J. Ruhl; M.C. Runyan; Z. Staniszewski High-resolution CMB power spectrum from the complete ACBAR data set, Astrophys. J., Volume 694 (2009), pp. 1200-1219 | arXiv | DOI

[21] J.W. Fowler; V. Acquaviva; P.A.R. Ade; P. Aguirre; M. Amiri; J.W. Appel; L.F. Barrientos; E.S. Battistelli; J.R. Bond; B. Brown; B. Burger; J. Chervenak; S. Das; M.J. Devlin; S.R. Dicker; W.B. Doriese; J. Dunkley; R. Dünner; T. Essinger-Hileman; R.P. Fisher; A. Hajian; M. Halpern; M. Hasselfield; C. Hernández-Monteagudo; G.C. Hilton; M. Hilton; A.D. Hincks; R. Hlozek; K.M. Huffenberger; D.H. Hughes; J.P. Hughes; L. Infante; K.D. Irwin; R. Jimenez; J.B. Juin; M. Kaul; J. Klein; A. Kosowsky; J.M. Lau; M. Limon; Y.-T. Lin; R.H. Lupton; T.A. Marriage; D. Marsden; K. Martocci; P. Mauskopf; F. Menanteau; K. Moodley; H. Moseley; C.B. Netterfield; M.D. Niemack; M.R. Nolta; L.A. Page; L. Parker; B. Partridge; H. Quintana; B. Reid; N. Sehgal; J. Sievers; D.N. Spergel; S.T. Staggs; D.S. Swetz; E.R. Switzer; R. Thornton; H. Trac; C. Tucker; L. Verde; R. Warne; G. Wilson; E. Wollack; Y. Zhao The Atacama cosmology telescope: a measurement of the 600<<8000 cosmic microwave background power spectrum at 148 GHz, Astrophys. J., Volume 722 (2010), pp. 1148-1161 | arXiv | DOI

[22] S. Das; T.A. Marriage; P.A.R. Ade; P. Aguirre; M. Amiri; J.W. Appel; L.F. Barrientos; E.S. Battistelli; J.R. Bond; B. Brown; B. Burger; J. Chervenak; M.J. Devlin; S.R. Dicker; W. Bertrand Doriese; J. Dunkley; R. Dünner; T. Essinger-Hileman; R.P. Fisher; J.W. Fowler; A. Hajian; M. Halpern; M. Hasselfield; C. Hernández-Monteagudo; G.C. Hilton; M. Hilton; A.D. Hincks; R. Hlozek; K.M. Huffenberger; D.H. Hughes; J.P. Hughes; L. Infante; K.D. Irwin; J. Baptiste Juin; M. Kaul; J. Klein; A. Kosowsky; J.M. Lau; M. Limon; Y.-T. Lin; R.H. Lupton; D. Marsden; K. Martocci; P. Mauskopf; F. Menanteau; K. Moodley; H. Moseley; C.B. Netterfield; M.D. Niemack; M.R. Nolta; L.A. Page; L. Parker; B. Partridge; B. Reid; N. Sehgal; B.D. Sherwin; J. Sievers; D.N. Spergel; S.T. Staggs; D.S. Swetz; E.R. Switzer; R. Thornton; H. Trac; C. Tucker; R. Warne; E. Wollack; Y. Zhao The Atacama cosmology telescope: a measurement of the cosmic microwave background power spectrum at 148 and 218 GHz from the 2008 Southern survey, Astrophys. J., Volume 729 (2011), p. 62 | arXiv | DOI

[23] R. Keisler; C.L. Reichardt; K.A. Aird; B.A. Benson; L.E. Bleem; J.E. Carlstrom; C.L. Chang; H.M. Cho; T.M. Crawford; A.T. Crites; T. de Haan; M.A. Dobbs; J. Dudley; E.M. George; N.W. Halverson; G.P. Holder; W.L. Holzapfel; S. Hoover; Z. Hou; J.D. Hrubes; M. Joy; L. Knox; A.T. Lee; E.M. Leitch; M. Lueker; D. Luong-Van; J.J. McMahon; J. Mehl; S.S. Meyer; M. Millea; J.J. Mohr; T.E. Montroy; T. Natoli; S. Padin; T. Plagge; C. Pryke; J.E. Ruhl; K.K. Schaffer; L. Shaw; E. Shirokoff; H.G. Spieler; Z. Staniszewski; A.A. Stark; K. Story; A. van Engelen; K. Vanderlinde; J.D. Vieira; R. Williamson; O. Zahn A measurement of the damping tail of the cosmic microwave background power spectrum with the south pole telescope, Astrophys. J., Volume 743 (2011), p. 28 | arXiv | DOI

[24] K.T. Story; C.L. Reichardt; Z. Hou; R. Keisler; K.A. Aird; B.A. Benson; L.E. Bleem; J.E. Carlstrom; C.L. Chang; H. Cho; T.M. Crawford; A.T. Crites; T. de Haan; M.A. Dobbs; J. Dudley; B. Follin; E.M. George; N.W. Halverson; G.P. Holder; W.L. Holzapfel; S. Hoover; J.D. Hrubes; M. Joy; L. Knox; A.T. Lee; E.M. Leitch; M. Lueker; D. Luong-Van; J.J. McMahon; J. Mehl; S.S. Meyer; M. Millea; J.J. Mohr; T.E. Montroy; S. Padin; T. Plagge; C. Pryke; J.E. Ruhl; J.T. Sayre; K.K. Schaffer; L. Shaw; E. Shirokoff; H.G. Spieler; Z. Staniszewski; A.A. Stark; A. van Engelen; K. Vanderlinde; J.D. Vieira; R. Williamson; O. Zahn A measurement of the cosmic microwave background damping tail from the 2500-square-degree SPT–SZ survey | arXiv

[25] S. Das; T. Louis; M.R. Nolta; G.E. Addison; E.S. Battistelli; J. Bond; E. Calabrese; D. Crichton; M.J. Devlin; S. Dicker; J. Dunkley; R. Dünner; J.W. Fowler; M. Gralla; A. Hajian; M. Halpern; M. Hasselfield; M. Hilton; A.D. Hincks; R. Hlozek; K.M. Huffenberger; J.P. Hughes; K.D. Irwin; A. Kosowsky; R.H. Lupton; T.A. Marriage; D. Marsden; F. Menanteau; K. Moodley; M.D. Niemack; L.A. Page; B. Partridge; E.D. Reese; B.L. Schmitt; N. Sehgal; B.D. Sherwin; J.L. Sievers; D.N. Spergel; S.T. Staggs; D.S. Swetz; E.R. Switzer; R. Thornton; H. Trac; E. Wollack The Atacama cosmology telescope: temperature and gravitational lensing power spectrum measurements from three seasons of data | arXiv

[26] Planck Collaboration XV Planck 2013 results, XV: CMB power spectra and likelihood, Astron. Astrophys., Volume 571 (2014) | arXiv | DOI

[27] Planck Collaboration XX Planck 2015 results, XX: constraints on inflation (Astron. Astrophys., submitted for publication) | arXiv

[28] J.M. Kovac; E.M. Leitch; C. Pryke; J.E. Carlstrom; N.W. Halverson; W.L. Holzapfel Detection of polarization in the cosmic microwave background using DASI, Nature, Volume 420 (2002) no. 6917, pp. 772-787

[29] A. Kogut; D.N. Spergel; C. Barnes; C.L. Bennett; M. Halpern; G. Hinshaw; N. Jarosik; M. Limon; S.S. Meyer; L. Page; G.S. Tucker; E. Wollack; E.L. Wright First-year Wilkinson microwave anisotropy probe (WMAP) observations: temperature–polarization correlation, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser., Volume 148 (2003), pp. 161-173 | arXiv | DOI

[30] J.L. Sievers; C. Achermann; J.R. Bond; L. Bronfman; R. Bustos; C.R. Contaldi; C. Dickinson; P.G. Ferreira; M.E. Jones; A.M. Lewis; B.S. Mason; J. May; S.T. Myers; N. Oyarce; S. Padin; T.J. Pearson; M. Pospieszalski; A.C.S. Readhead; R. Reeves; A.C. Taylor; S. Torres Implications of the cosmic background imager polarization data, Astrophys. J., Volume 660 (2007), pp. 976-987 | arXiv | DOI

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