Comptes Rendus

1 résultat

Christophe Sira; Michel Cara; Antoine Schlupp; Frédéric Masson; Marc Schaming; Véronique Mendel

Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, Volume 353 (2021) no. 1 p. 23-51

Plein texte : ... Stopped in 2016, this application will be replaced by an adaptive multi-platform system.In the French West Indies, since Les Saintes Earthquake in 2004 [Cara et al. 2005], the “Observatoire sismologique et volcanologique de Guadeloupe” and the “Observatoire sismologique et volcanologique de Martinique” of “Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris” systematically relays the calls for individual testimonies, as well as for communal surveys requested by the governmental regional authorities.In Mayotte, Indian Ocean, REVOSIMA (Réseau de surveillance volcanologique et sismologique de Mayotte), created after the volcano-seismic crisis that started in June 2018, now helps to relay the calls for individual testimonies. ...