Une erreur d'impression a dénaturé la Fig. 1 de la Perspective de Thierry Juteau. Nous publions donc ici à nouveau cette figure. Nous prions l'auteur ainsi que nos lecteurs de bien vouloir excuser cette erreur.

Location of the Khoy ophiolites and of the Tethyan ophiolite complexes along the Alpine-Mediterranean orogenic system. 1: Eurasia and its alpine part; 2: Arabian–African continent and its alpine part; 3: ophiolite complexes; 4: radiolarites (Pindos-Pichakun type); 5: Intermediary platforms between (3) and (4); 6: Ligurian radiolaritic association. Ophiolites cited in the text, from east to west: Ka, Kahnuj; Es, Esfandagheh; Ne, Neyriz; Ke, Kermanshah; Gu, Guleman; Ha, Hatay; Tr, Troodos; An, Antalya. The rectangle area includes the ‘Van ophiolite group’ of Kniper et al. After Ricou and Marcoux (1980).
A misprint has alteredFig. 1in the Perspective by Thierry Juteau. We therefore publish it again here. We apologize to this author and our readers for this mistake.