Analyse sismo-stratigraphique du bassin d'Abda (Maroc occidental), exemple de structures inverses pendant le rifting atlantique
[Seismo-stratigraphic analysis of the Abda Basin (West Morocco): a case of reverse structures during the Atlantic rifting]
[Seismo-stratigraphic analysis of the Abda Basin (West Morocco): a case of reverse structures during the Atlantic rifting]
p. 371-377
Cartographie de corps stériles sous couverture quaternaire par méthode de résistivités électriques dans le gisement phosphaté de Sidi Chennane (Maroc)
[Sterile bodies mapping under Quaternary cover using resistivity-sounding method in the phosphatic bearing of Sidi Chennane (Morocco)]
[Sterile bodies mapping under Quaternary cover using resistivity-sounding method in the phosphatic bearing of Sidi Chennane (Morocco)]
p. 379-386
Les xénolites ultramafiques du volcanisme alcalin quaternaire d'Oranie (Tell, Algérie occidentale), témoins d'une lithosphère cisaillée et enrichie
[Ultramafic xenoliths from Quaternary alkali volcanism from Oranie (Tell, western Algeria): witnesses of a sheared and enriched lithosphere]
[Ultramafic xenoliths from Quaternary alkali volcanism from Oranie (Tell, western Algeria): witnesses of a sheared and enriched lithosphere]
p. 387-394
Une dépression piézométrique naturelle en hausse au Sahel (Sud-Ouest du Niger)
[A rising piezometric depression in the Sahel (southwestern Niger)]
[A rising piezometric depression in the Sahel (southwestern Niger)]
p. 395-401
Sismique très haute résolution 3D : une nouvelle méthode d'imagerie des sols superficiels
[Very High Resolution 3D seismic: a new imaging tool for sub-bottom profiling]
[Very High Resolution 3D seismic: a new imaging tool for sub-bottom profiling]
p. 403-408
Définition d'une limite multicritère ; stratigraphie du passage Campanien–Maastrichtien du site géologique de Tercis (Landes, SW France)
[Definition of a multi-criteria boundary; stratigraphy of the Campanian–Maastrichtian interval of the geological site at Tercis (Landes, SW France)]
[Definition of a multi-criteria boundary; stratigraphy of the Campanian–Maastrichtian interval of the geological site at Tercis (Landes, SW France)]
p. 409-414
Origine tectonique du pli supportant le glissement de terrain de la Clapière (Nord-Ouest du massif de l'Argentera–Mercantour, Alpes du Sud, France) d'après l'analyse de la fracturation
[A tectonic origin for the fold underlying the Clapière landslide (NW Argentera–Mercantour massif, Southern Alps, France) deduced from an analysis of fractures]
[A tectonic origin for the fold underlying the Clapière landslide (NW Argentera–Mercantour massif, Southern Alps, France) deduced from an analysis of fractures]
p. 415-422