Special issues published in Comptes Rendus Géoscience - Sciences de la planète
- New developments in passive seismic imaging and monitoring
2024, vol. 356, no. S4. Guest editors: Michel Campillo, Andrew Curtis, Anne Obermann, Nikolai Shapiro
- Human Environment Observatory
2024, vol. 356, no. S3. Guest editors: Robert Chenorkian, Corinne Pardo, François-Michel Le Tourneau
- Geodynamics of Continents and Oceans – A tribute to Jean Aubouin
2024, vol. 356, no. S2. Guest editors: Olivier Fabbri, Michel Faure, Jacky Ferrière, Laurent Jolivet, Sylvie Leroy
- Magma degassing and its impact on the Earth's atmosphere: from magma oceans to lava lakes
2024, vol. 356, no. S1. Guest editors: Manuel Moreira, Bruno Scaillet, Clive Oppenheimer
- Tribute to Jean Dercourt
2023, vol. 355, no. S2. Guest editors: François Baudin, Éric Calais, François Chabaux
- Geo-hydrological Data & Models
2023, vol. 355, no. S1. Guest editors: Vazken Andréassian, Valérie Plagnes, Craig Simmons, Pierre Ribstein
- Integrated stratigraphy of the Jurassic and the Cretaceous: a tribute to Jacques Rey
2022, vol. 354, no. S3. Guest editors: Carine Lézin, Thomas Saucède
- The Mayotte seismo-volcanic crisis of 2018-2020 in the Comoros archipelago (Mozambique Channel)
2022, vol. 354, no. S2. Guest editors: Jérôme Van Der Woerd, Vincent Famin, Éric Humler
- Glass, an ubiquitous material
2022, vol. 354, no. S1. Guest editor: Daniel Neuville
- Perspectives on alcaline magmas
2021, vol. 353, no. S2. Guest editor: Bruno Scaillet
- Seismicity in France
2021, vol. 353, no. S1. Guest editors: Carole Petit, Stéphane Mazzotti, Frédéric Masson
- Some aspects of the current state of knwoledge on Triassic series on both sides of the Central Atlantic Margin
2020, vol. 352, no. 6-7.
- Facing climate change, the range of possibilities
2020, vol. 352, no. 4-5.