Comptes Rendus

1 résultat

Valentine Puzenat; Nathalie Feuillet; Jean-Christophe Komorowski; Javier Escartín; Christine Deplus; Patrick Bachèlery; Carole Berthod; Lucia Gurioli; Carla Scalabrin; Cécile Cathalot; Emmanuel Rinnert; Benoît Loubrieu; Delphine Pierre; Mathilde Pitel-Roudaut; Nina Tanguy; Yves Fouquet; Stephan J. Jorry; Elodie Lebas; Fabien Paquet; Isabelle Thinon

Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, Volume 354 (2022) no. 2 p. 81-104

Résumé : ... The objective of this paper is to describe a large and complex volcanic region, named the Horseshoe area, recently discovered at ${\sim }$1500 m below sea level on the eastern upper submarine slope of Mayotte Island. The area is crucial because, since 2018, it has experienced an exceptionally deep seismic activity associated with the ongoing submarine eruption that formed a new volcanic edifice, Fani Maoré, about 40 km to the east. ...