Comptes Rendus

A new subgenus and species of Alloscorpiops Vachon, 1980 from Laos (Scorpiones, Euscorpiidae, Scorpiopinae); implications for the taxonomy of the group
[Un nouveau sous-genre et nouvelle espèce d’Alloscorpiops Vachon, 1980 du Laos (Scorpiones, Euscorpiidae, Scorpiopinae) ; implications pour la taxonomie du groupe]
Comptes Rendus. Biologies, Volume 336 (2013) no. 1, pp. 51-55.


Alloscorpiops (Laoscorpiops) calmonti subgen. n., sp. n., belonging to the family Euscorpiidae Laurie, is described on the basis of single female specimen collected in the Pathoumphone District of southern Laos. This new scorpion taxon may represent yet another endemic element for the fauna of Laos. The new subgenus is characterized by a previously unknown and possible unique trichobothrial pattern.

Alloscorpiops (Laoscorpiops) calmonti sous-gen. n., sp. n., appartenant à la famille des Euscorpiidae Laurie, est décrit sur un seul spécimen femelle collecté dans le district de Pathoumphone, dans le Sud du Laos. Ce nouveau taxon scorpionique peut encore représenter un élément endémique pour la faune du Laos. Le nouveau sous-genre est caractérisé par un modèle trichobothriotaxique encore inconnu et peut-être unique parmi les scorpions.

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DOI : 10.1016/j.crvi.2013.01.001
Keywords: Scorpion, Euscorpiid, Laos, New subgenus, New species, Trichobothrial pattern
Mot clés : Scorpion, Euscorpiidae, Laos, Nouveau sous-genre, Nouvelle espèce, Modèle trichobothriotaxique

Wilson R. Lourenço 1

1 Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, département Systématique et Évolution, UMR7205, CP 053, 57, rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris, France
     author = {Wilson R. Louren\c{c}o},
     title = {A new subgenus and species of {\protect\emph{Alloscorpiops}} {Vachon,} 1980 from {Laos} {(Scorpiones,} {Euscorpiidae,} {Scorpiopinae);} implications for the taxonomy of the group},
     journal = {Comptes Rendus. Biologies},
     pages = {51--55},
     publisher = {Elsevier},
     volume = {336},
     number = {1},
     year = {2013},
     doi = {10.1016/j.crvi.2013.01.001},
     language = {en},
AU  - Wilson R. Lourenço
TI  - A new subgenus and species of Alloscorpiops Vachon, 1980 from Laos (Scorpiones, Euscorpiidae, Scorpiopinae); implications for the taxonomy of the group
JO  - Comptes Rendus. Biologies
PY  - 2013
SP  - 51
EP  - 55
VL  - 336
IS  - 1
PB  - Elsevier
DO  - 10.1016/j.crvi.2013.01.001
LA  - en
ID  - CRBIOL_2013__336_1_51_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Wilson R. Lourenço
%T A new subgenus and species of Alloscorpiops Vachon, 1980 from Laos (Scorpiones, Euscorpiidae, Scorpiopinae); implications for the taxonomy of the group
%J Comptes Rendus. Biologies
%D 2013
%P 51-55
%V 336
%N 1
%I Elsevier
%R 10.1016/j.crvi.2013.01.001
%G en
%F CRBIOL_2013__336_1_51_0
Wilson R. Lourenço. A new subgenus and species of Alloscorpiops Vachon, 1980 from Laos (Scorpiones, Euscorpiidae, Scorpiopinae); implications for the taxonomy of the group. Comptes Rendus. Biologies, Volume 336 (2013) no. 1, pp. 51-55. doi : 10.1016/j.crvi.2013.01.001.

Version originale du texte intégral

1 Introduction

The subfamily Scorpiopinae was first proposed by Kraepelin [1] as Scorpiopsinae, a subfamily of Vaejovidae. The correct Latinized subfamily name, derived from the type genus Scorpiops, is Scorpiopinae, and was corrected by Fet [2]. Francke [3] drew attention to the inconvenient classification of Kraepelin [1] and suggested that Scorpiopsinae should no longer be incorporated in the Vaejovidae. Stockwell [4] raised Scorpiopsinae to family level (as ‘Scorpiopsidae’), and Lourenço [5] confirmed this decision. Fet [2] listed the family Scorpiopidae. Subsequently, Soleglad and Sissom [6] downgraded Scorpiopidae to a subfamily of Euscorpiidae, grouped its Asian genera into the tribe Scorpiopini, and also included in this subfamily the North American genus Troglocormus (tribe Troglocormini). The subfamily currently forms a monophyletic group within Euscorpiidae, and does not share any synapomorphies with North American Vaejovidae [6]. The tribe Scorpiopini includes six Asian genera, mainly from the South and Southeast of the continent.

Vachon [7] revised the genus Scorpiops and described three new subgenera, Alloscorpiops, Euscorpiops, and Neoscorpiops, in addition to the nominotypical subgenus Scorpiops. These four subgenera were later elevated to generic rank by Lourenço [5], who added the monotypic genera Parascorpiops Banks 1928 and Dasyscorpiops Vachon, 1974, thus bringing the total number of genera to six. Kovařík [8] revised the family Scorpiopidae and distinguished five genera: Alloscorpiops, Dasyscorpiops, Neoscorpiops, Parascorpiops, and Scorpiops. He synonymized Euscorpiops with Scorpiops, suggesting that Euscorpiops, as defined by Vachon [7], should be considered invalid since the diagnostic differences were based on only one external trichobothrium of the patella. Soleglad and Sissom [6], however, restored the genus Euscorpiops, based on the position of chela trichobothrium Eb3 and the presence of an annular ring on the telson [6]. Kovařík [9] finally accepted this division, and considered Euscorpiops to be a valid genus. In the present note a new subgenus and species belonging to the genus Alloscorpiops are described from southern Laos. Consequently, the composition of the euscorpiid, subfamily Scorpiopinae can be summarized as follows:

  • • Genus Scorpiops Peters, 1861
  • • Genus Parascorpiops Banks, 1928
  • • Genus Dasyscorpiops Vachon, 1974
  • • Genus Alloscorpiops Vachon, 1980
    • ∘ Subgenus Alloscorpiops Vachon, 1980
    • ∘ Subgenus Laoscorpiops subgen. n.
  • • Genus Euscorpiops Vachon, 1980
  • • Genus Neoscorpiops Vachon, 1980

For detailed diagnoses and geographical distribution of each genus, see Vachon [7], Stockwell [4] and the Catalogue of the Scorpions of the World [2].

2 Methods

Illustrations and measurements were produced using a Wild M5 stereo-microscope with a drawing tube and an ocular micrometer. Measurements follow Stahnke [10] and are given in mm. Trichobothrial notations follow Vachon [11] and morphological terminology mostly follows Vachon [12] and Hjelle [13].

3 Taxonomic treatment

Family EUSCORPIIDAE Laurie, 1896

Subfamily SCORPIOPINAE Kraepelin, 1905

Genus Alloscorpiops Vachon, 1980

Subgenus Laoscorpiops subgen. n.

Diagnosis of the new subgenus: the new subgenus presents most of the characteristics already defined for the genus Alloscorpiops [6,7]. It can, however, be characterized by the trichobothrial patterns of some ‘territories’ or series. Femur with three trichobothria: dorsal, internal and external. Patella with two dorsal, one internal, 18 ventral and an unusual number of 30 external trichobothria. Chela-hand with 11/12 ventral, two dorsal (Dt, Db), two internal (ib, it), Est, five Et, Esb and an unusual number of five trichobothria in the Eb series. The latter number is unusual because in the other genera of the family only three trichobothria are observed on Eb series. The trichobothrium called here Eb5 is very distal in relation to Eb1-4. The position of Eb5 in the new subgenus corresponds to that of trichobothrium Eb3 as defined both by Vachon [7] and Soleglad and Sissom [6].

Type species: Alloscorpiops (Laoscorpiops) calmonti sp. n.

Taxonomic comments: the unusual number of trichobothria in the Eb series of the new subgenus allows a nomenclatural question to be addressed. Vachon [11] defined this ‘territory’ or series as always having only three trichobothria: Eb1, Eb2, and Eb3. In the case of certain genera showing the type C trichobothrial pattern, Vachon [11] suggested a possible ‘displacement’ of some ventral trichobothria to the external surface. However, this was only postulated for groups presenting ‘plethotaxic patterns’ [11]. In the case of Scorpiopinae, and in particular the genus Alloscorpiops, the ventral trichobothria of the chela are clearly delimited by the ventro-external carina [7,12]. If a correlation can be established between the distal trichobothrium Eb3, as defined by Vachon [7,11], and Eb5, as defined here for the new subgenus Laoscorpiops, then it can be suggested that the presence of only three Eb trichobothria in most taxa is due to one or more losses during the evolutionary history of the group.

The other two known species of the genus Alloscorpiops show only three trichobothria on the Eb series, consequently they remain in the nominal genus and subgenus as Alloscorpiops (Alloscorpiops) anthracinus (Simon, 1887) and Alloscorpiops (Alloscorpiops) lindstroemii (Thorell, 1889). Both these species are found in Myanmar (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1

Map showing known distribution of the genus Alloscorpiops: Alloscorpiops (A.) anthracinus (black asterisk), Alloscorpiops (A.) lindstroemii (black triangle) and Alloscorpiops (L.) calmonti sp. n. (black circle).

4 Description of the new species

Alloscorpiops (Laoscorpiops) calmonti sp. n. (Figs. 2 and 3).

Fig. 2

Alloscorpiops (Laoscorpiops) calmonti sp. n. Female holotype. A. Carapace and chelicerae. B. Ventral aspect, showing coxapophysis, sternum, genital operculum and pectines.

Fig. 3

Alloscorpiops (Laoscorpiops) calmonti sp. n. Female holotype. A–I. Trichobothrial pattern. A–E. Chela. A. Finger in detail. B–E. Dorso-external, external, ventral and internal aspects. F. Femur, dorsal aspect. G–I. Patella, dorsal, external and ventral aspects. J. Pecten. K. Metasomal segments IV–V and telson, lateral aspect. L. Chelicera. M. Cutting edge of movable chelal finger.

Laos, Pathoumphone District, ‘on track’ 2 km before Ban Kiet Ngong, 29/XII/2003 (B. Calmont leg.), in disturbed forest, under log (Fig. 4). Holotype female. Deposited in the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris.

Fig. 4

Natural habitat of the new species in the region of Ban Kiet Ngong, southern Laos.

Etymology: Patronym in honor of Benjamin Calmont, Vassel, France who collected the new species.

Diagnosis: Species of large size relative to other species of the genus, adult female 72 mm in total length. Coloration dark reddish-brown to blackish; three pairs of lateral eyes, the third pair vestigial; pectines with 10-10 teeth, without fulcra. Annular ring clearly marked in telson. Trichobothrial pattern as in subgeneric diagnosis.

Description: Coloration. Dark reddish-brown to blackish. Carapace dark brown to blackish. Tergites reddish-brown. Metasomal segments blackish-brown; telson blackish-brown; base of aculeus reddish and tip blackish. Chelicerae reddish-brown with blackish variegated spots. Pedipalps blackish-brown; extremities of fingers slightly red. Legs blackish-brown. Venter and sternites reddish-brown; genital operculum and pectines reddish-yellow.

Morphology. Carapace strongly granular, furrows moderately deep. Median eyes anterior to centre of carapace; three pairs of lateral eyes, the third pair vestigial and situated behind the first two. Sternum pentagonal, longer than wide. Tergites moderately granulated; VII with four carinae. Pectinal tooth count 10-10; fulcra absent. Sternites smooth and shiny; VII with four vestigial carinae and some punctations. Metasomal segment I wider than long; segments II to V longer than wide; 10-8-8-8-7 carinae present on segments I to V; dorsal carinae on segments I–IV with a single, strong, posterior spinoid granule; metasomal tegument weakly granulated; ventral carina on segment V with spinoid granules. Telson vesicle with minute granulations. Pedipalps: femur with dorsal internal, dorsal external, ventral internal and ventral external carinae strongly marked; tegument moderately to strongly granular. Patella with dorsal internal, ventral internal, dorsal external, ventral external and external carinae strongly marked; two very strong and one moderate spinoid granule present on internal aspect, the interno-ventral being much larger than the interno-dorsal granule; tegument moderately granular. Chela with dorsal marginal, external secondary, ventral internal and ventral carinae strongly marked; other carinae moderately marked; tegument granulated dorsally and ventrally. Chelal fingers with two longitudinal series of granules and a few inner accessory granules (Fig. 3). Chelicerae dentition as in Fig. 3 [14]; five teeth on ventro-internal face of movable finger. Trichobothriotaxy type C, as in Fig. 3 [11]: see subgeneric diagnosis.

Morphometric values (in mm) of female holotype. Total length (including telson) 72.1. Carapace: length 11.4; anterior width 6.9; posterior width 11.8. Mesosoma length 29.9. Metasomal segment I: length 2.9, width 3.5; II: length 3.2, width 3.1; III: length 3.8, width 2.8; IV: length 4.2, width 2.6; V: length 7.9, width 2.5, depth 2.6. Telson length 8.8. Vesicle: width 2.4, depth 2.5. Pedipalp: femur length 11.2, width 4.2; patella length 9.5, width 4.8; chela length 21.7, width 5.8, depth 4.3; movable finger length 10.4.

Disclosure of interest

The author declares that he has no conflicts of interest concerning this article.


I am most grateful to Benjamin Calmont, Vassel, France, for sending the holotype and donating it to the collections of the MNHN; to Mark Judson, MNHN for the revision of the manuscript; and to Élise-Anne Leguin, MNHN, Paris for the preparation of some photos and plates.


[1] K. Kraepelin Die Geographische Verbreitung der Scorpione, Zool. Jahr. Abt. Syst., Volume 22 (1905), pp. 321-364

[2] V. Fet Family Scorpiopidae Kraepelin, 1905 (V. Fet; W.D. Sissom; G. Lowe; M.E. Braunwalder, eds.), Catalog of the Scorpions of the World (1758–1998), Entom. Soc., New York, 2000, pp. 487-502

[3] O.F. Francke Redescription of Parascorpiops montanus Banks (Scorpionida, Vaejovidae), Entomol. News, Volume 87 (1976), pp. 75-85

[4] S.A. Stockwell, Revision of the Phylogeny and Higher Classification of Scorpions (Chelicerata), Ph.D. Thesis, University of Berkeley (1989) 319 p. (unpublished).

[5] W.R. Lourenço Designation of the scorpion subfamily Scorpiopsinae Kraepelin, 1905 as family Scorpiopsidae Kraepelin, 1905 (stat. nov.); its generical composition and a description of a new species of Scorpiops from Pakistan (Scorpiones, Scorpiopsidae), Entomol. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Hamburg, Volume 12 (1998), pp. 245-254

[6] M.E. Soleglad; W.D. Sissom Phylogeny of the family Euscorpiidae Laurie, 1896 (Scorpiones): a major revision (V. Fet; P.A. Selden, eds.), Scorpions 2001. In memoriam Gary A. Polis, Burnham Beeches, Bucks, British Arachnological Society, Dorchester, 2001, pp. 25-111

[7] M. Vachon Essai d’une classification sous-générique des Scorpions du genre Scorpiops Peters, 1861 (Arachnida, Scorpionida, Vaejovidae), Bull. Mus. Natn. Hist. Nat., Paris, Volume 4 (1980) no. 2, pp. 143-160

[8] F. Kovařík Revision of the family Scorpiopidae (Scorpiones), with descriptions of six new species, Acta. Soc. Zool. Bohemicae, Volume 64 (2000), pp. 153-201

[9] F. Kovařík Three new species of the genera Euscorpiops Vachon, 1980 and Scorpiops Peters, 1861 from Asia (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae, Scorpiopinae), Euscorpius, Volume 27 (2005), pp. 1-10

[10] H.L. Stahnke Scorpion nomenclature and mensuration, Entom. News, Volume 81 (1970), pp. 297-316

[11] M. Vachon Étude des caractères utilisés pour classer les familles et les genres de Scorpions (Arachnides). 1. La trichobothriotaxie en arachnologie. Sigles trichobothriaux et types de trichobothriotaxie chez les Scorpions, Bull. Mus. Natn. Hist. Nat., Paris, Volume 3 (1974) no. 140, pp. 857-958

[12] M. Vachon Études sur les scorpions, Publications de l’Institut Pasteur d’Algérie, Alger, 1952 (482 pp)

[13] J.T. Hjelle Anatomy and morphology (G.A. Polis, ed.), The Biology of Scorpions, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1990, pp. 9-63

[14] M. Vachon De l’utilité, en systématique, d’une nomenclature des dents des chélicères chez les Scorpions, Bull. Mus. Natn. Hist. Nat., Paris, Volume 2 (1963) no. 35, pp. 161-166

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