Comptes Rendus

Genetics / Génétique
ISSCOR: Intragenic, Stochastic Synonymous Codon Occurrence Replacement – a new method for an alignment-free genome sequence analysis
[ISSCOR : une nouvelle méthode pour une analyse des séquences de génome sans alignement]
Comptes Rendus. Biologies, Volume 332 (2009) no. 4, pp. 336-350.


Synonymous codons do not occur at equal frequencies. Codon usage and codon bias have been extensively studied. However, the sequential order in which synonymous codons appear within a gene has not been studied until now. Here we describe an in silico method, which is the first attempt to tackle this problem: to what extent this sequential order is unique, and to what extent the succession of synonymous codons is important. This method, which we called Intragenic, Stochastic Synonymous Codon Occurrence Replacement (ISSCOR), generates, by a Monte Carlo approach, a set of genes which code for the same amino acid sequence, and display the same codon usage, but have random permutations of the synonymous codons, and therefore different sequential codon orders from the original gene. We analyze the complete genome of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (containing 1574 protein coding genes), and show by various, alignment-free computational methods (e.g., frequency distribution of codon-pairs, as well as that of nucleotide bigrams in codon-pairs), that: (i) not only the succession of adjacent synonymous codons is far from random, but also, which is totally unexpected, the occurrences of non-adjacent synonymous codon-pairs are highly constrained, at strikingly long distances of dozens of nucleotides; (ii) the statistical deviations from the random synonymous codon order are overwhelming; and (iii) the pattern of nucleotide bigrams in codon-pairs can be used in a novel way for characterizing and comparing genes and genomes. Our results demonstrate that the sequential order of synonymous codons within a gene must be under a strong selective pressure, which is superimposed on the classical codon usage. This new dimension can be measured by the ISSCOR method, which is simple, robust, and should be useful for comparative and functional genomics.

Les codons synonymes n'apparaissent pas à des fréquences égales. L'usage des codons et le biais codonique ont été abondamment étudiés. Par contre, l'ordre dans lequel les codons synonymes se présentent le long d'un gène n'a pas encore été analysé. Cet ordre est-il unique ? A quel point l'enchaînement des codons synonymes non-adjacents est-il important ? Nous présentons ici une nouvelle méthode in silico pour aborder ce problème. Dans cette méthode, appelée ISSCOR, on permute, par une approche Monte-Carlo, les codons synonymes d'un gène. On obtient ainsi un ensemble de séquences nucléotidiques, qui ont le même usage des codons, qui codent pour la même séquence protéique, mais qui diffèrent par l'ordre des codons synonymes. Nous avons analysé la totalité du génome de la bactérie Helicobacter pylori (1574 ORFs) et nous démontrons, par différentes approches informatiques (analyse de la fréquence de distribution des paires de codons ainsi que celle des bigrams de nucléotides dans des paires de codons), que : (i) les codons synonymes s'enchaînent dans un ordre déterminé sur de longues distances (douzaines de nucléotides) ; (ii) l'enchaînement des codons synonymes le long d'un gène est en relation directe avec le codage de la protéine ; (iii) les bigrams nucléotidiques situés sur des paires de codons peuvent être utilisés comme une nouvelle méthode, simple et robuste, pour caractériser les gènes et les génomes.

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DOI : 10.1016/j.crvi.2008.11.008
Keywords: Alignment free analysis, Random codon shuffling, Sequential order of synonymous codons, Synonymous codon replacement
Mots-clés : Analyse sans alignement, Réarrangement aléatoire des codons, Ordre séquentiel de codons synonymes, Remplacement de codons synonymes

Jan P. Radomski 1 ; Piotr P. Slonimski 2

1 Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computational Modeling, Warsaw University, Pawińskiego 5A, Bldg. D, 02106 Warsaw, Poland
2 Centre de génétique moléculaire du CNRS & Université Pierre-et-Marie Curie (Paris-6), 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex, France
     author = {Jan P. Radomski and Piotr P. Slonimski},
     title = {ISSCOR: {Intragenic,} {Stochastic} {Synonymous} {Codon} {Occurrence} {Replacement} {\textendash} a new method for an alignment-free genome sequence analysis},
     journal = {Comptes Rendus. Biologies},
     pages = {336--350},
     publisher = {Elsevier},
     volume = {332},
     number = {4},
     year = {2009},
     doi = {10.1016/j.crvi.2008.11.008},
     language = {en},
AU  - Jan P. Radomski
AU  - Piotr P. Slonimski
TI  - ISSCOR: Intragenic, Stochastic Synonymous Codon Occurrence Replacement – a new method for an alignment-free genome sequence analysis
JO  - Comptes Rendus. Biologies
PY  - 2009
SP  - 336
EP  - 350
VL  - 332
IS  - 4
PB  - Elsevier
DO  - 10.1016/j.crvi.2008.11.008
LA  - en
ID  - CRBIOL_2009__332_4_336_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Jan P. Radomski
%A Piotr P. Slonimski
%T ISSCOR: Intragenic, Stochastic Synonymous Codon Occurrence Replacement – a new method for an alignment-free genome sequence analysis
%J Comptes Rendus. Biologies
%D 2009
%P 336-350
%V 332
%N 4
%I Elsevier
%R 10.1016/j.crvi.2008.11.008
%G en
%F CRBIOL_2009__332_4_336_0
Jan P. Radomski; Piotr P. Slonimski. ISSCOR: Intragenic, Stochastic Synonymous Codon Occurrence Replacement – a new method for an alignment-free genome sequence analysis. Comptes Rendus. Biologies, Volume 332 (2009) no. 4, pp. 336-350. doi : 10.1016/j.crvi.2008.11.008.

Version originale du texte intégral

1 Introduction

The genetic code is degenerate. The relative frequency with which synonymous codons are used may vary widely from species to species, or from one gene (or a class of genes) to another. A large, and ongoing, body of literature deals with this subject under various headings, such as “codon usage”, “codon bias”, “codon adaptation”, etc. [1–17].

It is of significant interest to ask if, and to what extent, the genetic, molecular and cellular apparatus of each species is geared towards actual codon patterns of each sequence in the genome during translation and protein expression. The first part is obviously rhetorical, as there are plenty of indicators that such differences are not only present, but in fact crucial, and influence the steady state ratio of various proteins. Living organisms have very often quite biased preferences for some synonymous codons over other possible synonymous nucleotide triplets coding for the same amino acids. These differences and their variation have been extensively studied, however, no decisive governing rules have yet been discovered. Frequencies of codons for many species are in close correlation with their genome's GC contents, but the underlying forces governing this are not clear – it might be possible, that it is the GC content which is determining a genome's amino acids predilection for the specific codons being used and their bias. On the other hand it might be that reverse causative relationships are in operation: codons-specific amino acids usage is a driving factor for observed GC contents. Possible factors and forces driving synonymous codons usage postulated so far include, among many others: translational optimization [2–6], mRNA structural effects [7], protein composition [8], and protein structure [9], gene expression levels [2,10], the tRNA abundance differences between different genomes, and tRNA optimization [11–13], different mutation rates and patterns [14]. Also, some other possibilities were hypothesized, like local compositional bias [15], and even gene lengths might play a role too [16].

It is clear, that many interesting biological mechanisms underlie the basic phenomenon of genetic code degeneracy. One of its aspects, however, has not been studied until now, namely, the question dealing with the sequential order of occurrence of synonymous codons. To what extent this order is characteristic for a gene, to what extent for a set of genes, or a genome. Are there some rules governing such an order? How can one measure the order of synonymous codons, and compare different orders? Obviously, an order of elements in a linear set is a different property, than the frequency of elements in the set. The amino acid composition of a protein (which formally is exactly equivalent to the synonymous codon frequency, or codon usage, of a protein coding sequences) carries much less information than the amino acid sequence of such protein, which in turn is less information intensive than a corresponding nucleotide sequence coding the same protein.

This question can be formulated more precisely. Let us consider a given frequency of synonymous codon usage characteristic for a gene. There is a very large number of different orders in which the synonymous codons can appear sequentially along the gene without changing either the amino acid sequence of the encoded protein, or the codon usage of the gene. For all practical purposes this number is infinite, since the number of permutations of synonymous codons in a gene is comparable to the number of permutations of amino acids in a protein.

However, there are few means available experimentally to actually attempt even simplest direct measurements of the factors involved. Here, we describe an in silico method, which, as far as we know, is the first attempt to tackle the problem of the sequential order of synonymous codons. We call it ISSCOR (Intragenic, Stochastic Synonymous Codon Occurrence Replacement) for following reasons: (i) it analyses a original single gene, the nucleotide sequences of an original protein coding sequence (ORF). Of course, after analyzing several individual genes, the results can be computed for a set of genes, or a complete genome; (ii) it is essentially a Monte-Carlo approach. Synonymous codons, which occur at different positions of an ORF are replaced randomly, with the frequencies given by the codon usage of the whole genome. The method generates nucleotide sequences of non-original ORFs, which have identical codon usages, and would encode identical amino acid sequences. It is equivalent to random permutations of the synonymous codon sequence.

We have chosen to test the application of the ISSCOR method on the genome of Helicobacter pylori. This organism was selected for two reasons: (i) the H. pylori codon usage is not dominated by biased mutation patterns and displays a striking absence for transitionally mediated selection among synonymous codons [17]; and (ii) the H. pylori genome shows a striking periodic oscillations of it's nucleotide sequence, and it was hypothesized that these oscillations could be related to the usage of particular synonymous codons for constructing α-helical protein folds [18]. To this end we have retrieved (as of October 2006) from TIGR the complete set of H. pylori protein coding sequences, however, due to the needs of the ISSCOR algorithms, only those containing unambiguously assigned nucleotides (A, C, G, and T, in standard notation) have been used – this resulted in 1574 ORFs.

2 The concepts and methods used

2.1 The concept of Intragenic, Stochastic Synonymous Codon Occurrence Replacement

For the reasons outlined briefly above in the Introduction, we describe here the method of calculating the whole genome codon-pair pattern profiles, as well as assessing their significance. Previously [18–21] we have described alignment free approaches to the problem of comparison and analysis of complete genomes, and some techniques enabling us to cope with the sparseness of the n-gram type of genomic information representations. The problem of sparse occurrence matrices is not only present, but even more pronounced when dealing with the number of permutations of the possible synonymous codons. Calculating the set of n-grams for such occurrences will lead to a vector representation, which is severely sparse, especially for higher n-grams lengths, and hence to very poor statistics. To alleviate this problem, we propose here a hybrid approach. Namely, when computing counts of codon-pair patterns – separated by codon sub-sequences of differing length – the actual composition of these spacer sub-sequences will be neglected. However, when such partial counts are used as a composite set, poor statistics are no longer a hindering obstacle, and the complete information about particular n-gram frequencies profile is preserved, albeit in a distributed and convoluted form.

There are only two requirements fundamental for the ISSCOR method: (a) the amino acid sequence of every protein in the whole genome must be strictly preserved; (b) random shuffling of synonymous codons will be performed separately within each codon-degeneracy equivalence group using uniform probability distribution (thus, the codon usage profile for the whole genome, after the synonymous codon shuffling will be preserved within stochastic bounds of uniform probability distribution, and the overall codon usage of the whole genome will not be changed).

For every protein coding gene, with its original nucleotide sequence j0 in a genome i we generate, by a Monte Carlo approach, a set of equivalent nucleotide strings (j1,j2,j3,,jN) which have the following properties:

  • • they have the same nucleotide lengths as the j0;
  • • they have the exactly the same amino acid sequence as the j0 (i.e., the proteins translated from the j1,j2,j3,,jN are identical);
  • • they have, on average, the same codon usage frequencies (i.e., the codon triplet occurrence frequency) as the whole genome, and if the gene under study has no codon bias, the same codon usage as j0;
  • • they have in the vast majority of cases a synonymous codon order different from the original sequence j0.
This is an essential point, which merits a commentary. The probability that a given string ji generated stochastically has the same synonymous codon order as the original j0 decreases with the product of its length, with a probability limit tending rapidly to zero (e.g., for the gene HP1355, Fig. 1, this probability is less than 10−3 for the first six codons, shown in Fig. 1, while the whole gene length is actually 215 codons, thus such probability for this gene is vanishingly small).

Fig. 1

Example of synonymous codon replacements by the ISSCOR method, preserving the amino acid sequence of a gene. The beginning of (the first 14 codons) the original, genuine sequence of the gene HP1355 (coding for the nicotinate–nucleotide phosphorylase) is shown in the first line; the synonymous codons are replaced randomly using the frequencies given in the last line. The first run of replacement's (SHUF001) produces the nucleotide sequence, where synonymous codons, which are different from original are shown in red; in successive runs (SHUF002, 003, 004, until 500), other replacements appear (shown in green and blue). The frequency of occurrence of each of the 144 BiHex patterns (Table 3) is calculated for every run of replacements, i.e., separately for sequences SHUF001,002,…,500; finally the averages, their standard deviations; and deviates are calculated as explained in the text. The amino acid sequences are, of course, identical.

Therefore, the ISSCOR method allows comparing the original codon sequence with an ensemble of different synonymous sequences-coding for the same amino acids sequence.

2.2 The computational procedure

Mathematically speaking, first, the whole genome's codon usage frequencies are determined for each species i, and on that basis probabilities of replacement are calculated separately for each codon-degeneracy equivalence group d:

where: Pik is the probability that any other codon – from the same degeneracy equivalence group d – will be randomly replaced by the codon k; and uk is the synonymous codon k triplet frequency for a given amino acid in a whole genome. Therefore, obviously for any given degeneracy equivalence group d, the sum of such probabilities will always be equal to 1.

Then, successively for each codon in a gene the procedure of it's synonymous random replacement is performed based on probabilities according to Eq. (1). Finally, the resulting shuffled sequences are determined, and compared to the original sequence of the gene.

To this end we need, first of all to calculate series of codon-pair pattern1 occurrence matrices, designed henceforth as Oiλ, for the original genome i. The method described here is applicable to any genome, and is independent of the respective genome sizes.

The method involves several steps (although, depending on the actual purpose at hand, not all the chain will be always necessary). For completeness sake, we present them here sequentially, to facilitate understanding.

First, for each protein coding sequence, we determine a complete matrix of all codon-pair patterns. Obviously, in a protein coding gene, there are at most 3904 (61×61+61×3) unique codon-pair patterns. For a given sequence V, and the all codon-spacer lengths, in order to calculate observed values of a particular codon-pair pattern (ck,cl), first we need to construct a series of matrices Oλ (occurrence matrices). Each element of every matrix Oλ contains the counted sum of all specific codon-pair patterns (ck,cl), separated by a string of other codons present in this sequence, where the λ denotes the number of other codons separating the given codon-pair pattern (ck,cl). Using a sliding window of the length 3*(λ+2) nucleotides, and starting at the position m, we would scan the whole sequence V, calculating elements of the matrix by the formula:

where M is the sequence's length, and
f(ck,cl,λ,m,p)={1,if V(m)=ck, and V(m+λ+1)=cl, andthe codon-pair pattern (ck,cl) matchesthe pattern of the particular comparison p,0,otherwise.

Comparisons involve matches between the predefined codon-pair patterns, of the first codon ck, taken together with the second codon cl.

That is, a particular positional comparison p involves only one nucleotide from the first codon ck, and one nucleotide from the second codon cl, ignoring all four remaining nucleotides, which corresponds to a BiHex pattern (see footnote 1). Thus, there are, e.g., nine BiHex patterns containing the adenine (A) at any position in a first codon, together with the cytosine (C) at any position in a second codon, etc. Obviously, when λ=0, one has an adjacent codon-pair pattern (hexanucleotide), for λ=1 it is a nonanucleotide, and so on. Note, that since these are ordered counts, each starting at the sequence's 5′-terminus, the matrices Oiλ are not symmetrical, that is the count of the hexon (ck,cj) is different from the count of the hexon (cj,ck). For each of species i, their hexon counting is repeated for all sequences of the whole genome separately, but the results are then summed up for all sequences, and all respective particular pattern comparisons p. Therefore matrices Oiλ should be considered as a raw, spacer λ dependent, representation of sui generis species specific occurrences of their hexons unique patterns.

To make the results independent of a particular genome size (or a subset of genes), we propose to calculate how much the number of actually observed hexons in the original genome, differs from the mean number of the corresponding hexons, observed after performing N random ISSCOR genome permutations, divided by the standard deviation observed in the shuffled genomes:

  • DxAx_λ_Txx is a deviate of the results for, e.g., the pattern xAx_λ_Txx, that is for the all codon combinations comprising the nucleotide A at the second position in the first codon, and the nucleotide T at the first position of the second codon – the border codons being separated by the number λ of other codons;
  • Ooccurrences are the numbers of the actually observed occurrences for any given hexon in the unperturbed, whole genome;
  • Rshuffledn are the numbers of occurrences for any given hexon pattern counted after codons of the whole genome have been shuffled randomly (as described by the above), thus the Rshuffledn/N is a mean number of such occurrences after the N such random shuffles;
  • STDshuffled is a standard deviation for all occurrences of a given hexon pattern, after N random shufflings of the whole genome.

We have verified that N=500 is sufficient to ensure satisfactory randomness since the results are practically identical for N=500, 1000, and 1500.

3 Results and discussion

In order to facilitate the comprehension of the BiHex concept, and that of the first results obtained, we shall begin by an example, the detailed analysis of just one particular BiHex pattern: xxG-xxG for λ=6. It should be remembered that for all the examined λs there are 4455 (135×33=4455) different and informative2 BiHex patterns, all of which have been computed in this work.

3.1 Detailed description of an example: analysis of just one BiHex pattern “xxG-xxG” for λ=6 demonstrates that specific non-adjacent codon-pairs are strongly constrained in the original protein coding genes

This BiHex pattern, (where the symbol BHp=131λ=6, or BH1316 in a shorthand notation, denotes the BiHex of the pattern number 131, and with the codon-spacer λ=6) can be written explicitly as xxGyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyxxG. It corresponds to all the oligonucleotides (24 mers; as previously described, the “x” denotes any nucleotide found in the initial and terminal codons of a given BiHex pattern, and the “y” denotes any nucleotide constituting the spacer part between the respective initial and terminal codons of such a BiHex pattern), occurring in the reading frame zero, of the Helicobacter pylori protein coding genes. The analysis comprises several successive steps:

  • (1) The number of occurrences of the xxGyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyxxG pattern is counted in each of the 1574 original genes (in the example given in Fig. 1 this pattern is absent in the segment shown for the original sequence of the gene HP1355, but it is present in the shuffled sequences SHUFF001, SHUFF002, and SHUFF003, of this gene between the nucleotide positions 6 and 27, 12 and 33, and again 12 and 33, respectively). Altogether there are 21 819 occurrences of the BiHex pattern xxG-λ6-xxG in all the genes of Helicobacter (BHp=131λ=6=21819, Table 2A).
  • (2) By the use of the ISSCOR method one generates 500 shuffled synonymous sequences for each gene (1574×500 nucleotide strings) and then calculates, as previously, the number of occurrences of the same BiHex pattern xxG-λ6-xxG which was found to be present, on average, 20 264 times in the ensemble of permuted sequences (BHp=131λ=6m=20264, Table 2B).
  • (3) The difference, BHp=131λ=6d, in the number of occurrences of this pattern between the observed original sequences, and the calculated average shuffled sequences is highly significant, whether measured by χ2, or standard deviation (2181920264)2/20264=119, for one degree of freedom the probability is <1020 (Figs. 2A and 2B), and the deviate is more than 10 standard deviations (Fig. 2B). Therefore, some codon-pair hexons must be over-represented in the original genome.
  • (4) Figs. 2A–2B and Tables 2A–2C prove this point. The BiHex pattern xxG-xxG is constituted by 240 different hexons (i.e., codon-pairs, 15 sense codons xxG upstream, and the same plus the TAG stop codon at the terminal position of an ORF, downstream). A priori, hexons can be allocated, by their number of occurrences in the genome, into three classes: (i) those which are significantly more abundant in the original genome than in the shuffled ones, (ii) those where the converse is true, and (iii) those where the difference between the original and the shuffled is too small to be of significance. It is apparent from Tables 2A–2C that the first class of hexons predominates: 29 different hexons occur more frequently in the original gene sequences than in the shuffled ones, and only one hexon (AAG-ACG) occurs less frequently. This result explains not only that the BiHex pattern xxG-λ=6-xxG is more abundant in the original, (observed) values than in the expected, (calculated from the shuffled) ones. It points also to the notion that the observed over-represented hexons exceed very strongly the expected values: the individual χ2 values, in the majority of cases, are greater than 7 (which corresponds to the E values <102), and in several instances, e.g., GCG-λ=6-GCG, GTG-λ=6-GTG, GTG-λ=6-TTG, the χ2 values are greater than 11, for one degree of freedom, E values <103. Figs. 2A and 2B summarize the significance of individual hexons, and allows one to draw a few conclusions. Individual hexons are not distributed evenly, but rather in groups, which display some common characteristics. For instance, hexons containing CGG codon are never over-represented in their occurrence, and those containing ACG are very rarely over-represented. In contrast, hexons containing GGG or GTG codons are frequently over-represented. When the 240 different, individual hexons are divided into 16 simpler categories, by summing up the number of occurrences of all hexons containing a given codon, either at the 5′ or at the 3′ terminus of the respective polynucleotide chain, a very clear picture is obtained (Fig. 2B). Original gene sequences differ from the average permuted ones mainly by a higher frequency of codon-pairs containing either GGG or GTG, and less frequently by those containing TTG, GCG, GAG, while all the remaining hexons which contain other xxG codons, represent only a very minor contribution.

Table 2A

Detailed analysis. Observed number of occurrences of hexons (i.e. codon-pairs) in the original genome for the BiHex pattern xxG-λ=6-xxG.

AAG 250 65 109 172 61 28 15 41 224 168 236 292 10 34 65 294 2064
ACG 84 56 45 112 30 22 1 23 79 97 137 131 1 28 32 147 1025
AGG 93 40 61 83 20 17 3 24 86 83 78 127 2 29 38 122 906
ATG 189 96 98 254 76 35 10 50 207 226 224 321 9 46 77 358 2276
CAG 67 26 20 60 22 6 6 22 61 61 60 80 0 12 24 80 607
CCG 33 14 13 41 16 10 4 8 27 36 37 61 1 9 15 60 385
CGG 9 6 4 11 7 3 1 4 12 14 18 20 2 2 3 16 132
CTG 40 21 17 49 7 6 3 10 41 51 59 54 1 11 25 59 454
GAG 228 82 95 154 47 24 12 50 248 178 186 245 5 31 48 231 1864
GCG 201 78 99 218 56 31 15 42 178 275 267 326 7 41 73 331 2238
GGG 205 117 91 220 62 37 17 42 209 290 330 349 4 49 89 338 2449
GTG 298 136 102 310 66 71 12 48 239 326 367 477 9 68 124 444 3097
TCG 43 25 19 47 15 4 0 7 34 34 41 51 2 13 13 69 417
TGG 67 38 32 80 16 16 5 13 53 78 102 111 4 17 37 95 764
TTG 280 146 119 298 87 39 16 78 275 299 361 437 11 63 103 529 3141
Sum 2087 946 924 2109 588 349 120 462 1973 2216 2503 3082 68 453 766 3173 21 819
Table 2B

Detailed analysis. Calculated averages of occurrences of hexons (i.e. codon-pairs) in the shuffled genome for the BiHex pattern xxG-λ=6-xxG.

AAG 240 89 88 159 62 31 11 42 206 189 196 273 9 36 66 288 1985
ACG 94 57 37 102 28 17 5 21 82 106 105 121 3 19 35 143 972
AGG 84 37 42 84 23 13 5 17 77 80 91 114 3 16 34 117 837
ATG 200 103 93 254 59 33 12 54 191 221 240 312 5 45 77 369 2269
CAG 60 26 24 50 20 10 3 11 54 51 51 70 2 11 16 77 536
CCG 31 19 13 35 9 6 2 7 29 31 33 42 1 6 15 49 328
CGG 10 5 5 10 3 2 1 2 10 10 11 14 0 2 4 15 105
CTG 42 19 17 43 11 7 2 10 37 43 44 59 2 9 14 71 430
GAG 221 84 82 139 55 28 10 35 217 172 172 219 6 33 48 238 1759
GCG 191 97 84 222 53 34 11 45 171 224 234 276 6 39 68 305 2059
GGG 182 119 85 219 51 34 11 43 171 250 282 304 5 44 85 292 2177
GTG 256 130 110 272 67 49 14 55 222 285 331 409 9 54 107 378 2749
TCG 36 19 16 42 11 5 2 9 32 40 41 52 1 8 14 61 390
TGG 64 34 29 80 15 12 4 14 53 72 88 103 3 13 37 99 720
TTG 289 129 121 294 74 47 15 71 252 292 306 404 11 58 100 483 2947
Sum 2001 968 846 2005 539 328 107 435 1805 2068 2226 2773 67 392 721 2984 20 264
Fig. 2A

Probability of occurrence by chance of codon-pairs corresponding to the BiHex pattern xxG-λ=6-xxG. The probabilities (shown on a vertical axis in a log. scale) of occurrence by chance of the 240 hexon patterns were calculated from the χ2 values given by Table 2C (only the patterns giving probabilities <0.05 are shown). The patterns should be read in the order: codon 5′–codon 3′; thus the probability for the pattern TTGyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyGCG is close to 10−3, and that of GTGyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyTTG is close to 10−4, etc.

Fig. 2B

Probability of occurrence by chance of groups of codons pairs, corresponding to the BiHex pattern xxG-λ=6-xxG. The number of occurrences of all hexons beginning (in blue) with the codons given in the abscissa, or those terminated (in red) by them, were summed up for the original genes (Table 2A) and for the permuted ones (Table 2B). The χ2 and probabilities were calculated, and the latter are shown on the ordinate in a log scale. Thus, the probability for the GTG-λ=6-xxG pattern is close to 10−10, etc.

Table 2C

Detailed analysis. Yates corrected χ2 values for the difference between the Observed and the Calculated occurrences of hexons (i.e. codon-pairs) for the BiHex pattern xxG-λ=6-xxG.

AAG 0.34 6.36 4.77 0.99 0.00 0.27 1.12 0.01 1.56 2.30 8.07 1.27 0.06 0.04 0.01 0.11 3.09
ACG 0.87 0.01 1.75 0.91 0.14 1.00 2.21 0.19 0.06 0.64 9.53 0.69 nc 3.75 0.12 0.10 2.84
AGG 0.97 0.11 7.85 0.00 0.19 1.19 0.70 2.65 0.91 0.10 1.65 1.33 nc 10.11 0.41 0.14 5.63
ATG 0.58 0.46 0.26 0.00 4.37 0.11 0.10 0.21 1.21 0.08 0.98 0.23 nc 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.02
CAG 0.67 0.00 0.63 1.93 0.09 1.00 nc 9.84 0.83 1.66 1.45 1.39 nc 0.06 3.22 0.08 9.33
CCG 0.06 0.98 0.00 0.75 4.62 1.64 nc 0.02 0.11 0.57 0.38 8.68 nc 0.73 0.00 2.37 9.68
CGG 0.08 0.17 0.14 0.00 nc nc nc nc 0.32 1.31 3.21 1.83 nc nc nc 0.01 6.43
CTG 0.05 0.14 0.00 0.70 0.96 0.04 nc 0.00 0.30 1.48 4.43 0.33 nc 0.47 7.03 1.81 1.29
GAG 0.17 0.02 1.97 1.46 1.07 0.41 0.21 6.44 4.38 0.16 1.07 2.87 0.01 0.07 0.00 0.17 6.19
GCG 0.44 3.51 2.55 0.04 0.12 0.15 1.26 0.14 0.24 11.53 4.39 9.03 0.03 0.04 0.32 2.15 15.46
GGG 2.83 0.01 0.36 0.00 2.26 0.19 3.20 0.00 7.98 6.28 7.83 6.42 0.12 0.37 0.16 7.22 33.89
GTG 6.76 0.21 0.56 5.25 0.01 9.62 0.14 0.84 1.24 5.61 3.74 11.16 0.02 3.51 2.53 11.18 43.83
TCG 1.32 1.29 0.44 0.38 1.28 0.18 1.14 nc 0.05 0.85 0.00 0.01 nc 3.11 0.04 1.05 1.77
TGG 0.07 0.34 0.25 0.00 0.06 0.86 0.16 nc 0.00 0.36 2.20 0.50 nc 1.20 0.01 0.11 2.62
TTG 0.28 2.17 0.01 0.05 2.26 1.19 0.00 0.67 1.94 0.12 9.78 2.54 0.01 0.28 0.05 4.35 12.69
Sum 3.65 0.48 7.01 5.33 4.37 1.31 1.54 1.63 15.61 10.58 34.37 34.34 0.01 9.18 2.78 11.94 119.27

Contrary to numerous studies on the occurrence and the biases of adjacent codon-pairs [22–27], the analysis of non-adjacent codon-pairs is extremely limited. Only one study deals with this problem [23]. Based upon limited data available at that time (non-complete genome sequences of E. coli, S. cerevisiae, and H. sapiens) Hatfield and Gutman observed that the occurrence of non-adjacent codon-pairs is non random at long distances. Their data were obtained by pooling together all the possible 3904 codon-pairs into one bin only. The authors conclude that “the basis of this effect remains a mystery”. As far as we know, no analysis of this problem has been continued. Here we have shown that the different synonymous codon-pairs, specific for different distances, are responsible for the distant codon-pairs biases.

3.2 Perusal of all the informative 135 BiHex patterns for λ=0 demonstrates, that all six positions of a pair of adjacent codons are constrained

It would be very tedious and undigestable to analyze in depth, in a manner analogous to that shown in Tables 2A–2C, all the 135 BiHex patterns listed in Table 1, for all the spacer codons λ from 0 to 32 (which would represent an equivalent of 135×33×3=13365 such individual tables!). Furthermore, this is not in the scope of the present article, which aims rather at the description of a novel method in computational biology of genomes. We believe that the introduction of the BiHex notation, both as a concept, and as a new method of computation, will be a successful shorthand for the description of profound and unexpected discoveries of the genuine, original order of synonymous codons whose nature and evolutionary significance remains to be understood. The results shown in Figs. 3A, 3B illustrate this notion.

Fig. 3A

BiHex patterns significantly deviating in the original genome for the adjacent codon-pairs (codon-spacer λ = 0). The number of occurrences of the BiHex patterns for λ = 0 (here, hexons correspond to hexanucleotides) are calculated for the original genome, and compared with their corresponding average number of occurrences in the 500 ISSCOR permutations (Eq. (3)). The difference, between original and the averaged permuted number of occurrences, is expressed in standard deviation units (STD). For clarity, we plot the deviates in two opposite directions – the patterns over-represented in the original above the zero line, and these under-represented below the zero line; with the negative sign. All BiHex patterns shown significantly deviate from randomness, some of them more than 100 STD (e.g., xxT-Txx – over-represented; and xxA-xxT – under-represented).

Fig. 3B

Examples of BiHex patterns significantly deviating in the original genome for the non-adjacent codon-pairs. The order of BiHex patterns, on the abscissa, is the same as in Fig. 3A, but their symbols are omitted for clarity, the numbering of patterns is given in Table 3. The ordinate shows the χ2 values calculated for the difference between the observed occurrences, and the calculated occurrence averages after 500 ISSCOR permutations. Only the significant averages (probabilities <0.05) are shown. For clarity, the χ2 values are plotted in opposite directions – the patterns over-represented in the original are above the zero line, and the under-represented below the zero line. The values corresponding to the codon-spacers: λ = 3 are green, for λ = 5 are orange, and for λ = 6 are blue. Notice, that χ2 value of 10 corresponds to the probability of 10−3, that of 20 to 10−6, that of 50 to 10−12, and that of 140 to 10−32.

A majority of BiHex patterns (109/135) significantly deviate in the adjacent codon-pairs, i.e., λ=0 (Figs. 3A, 3B). Both over-represented and under-represented BiHex patterns are present in comparable numbers and with comparable amplitude of their deviates (compare, e.g., the BiHex pattern xxT-Txx, which is over-represented by more than 100 standard deviations (STD), with the pattern xxA-xxT, which is under-represented by more than 100 STD in the original gene sequences. The E values for such amplitudes are smaller than 100−100. It should be remembered, from the complete analysis of the BiHex pattern xxG-xxG (vide supra), that if a given BiHex pattern is strongly deviating, then numerous codon-pairs corresponding to such a pattern must be strongly deviating too, all in the same direction (i.e., all in “plus”, or in all “minus”). Therefore, one can conclude, that hexanucleotides xxTTxx (and also xxGCxx, xxAGxx, xxCAxx, etc.; Figs. 3A, 3B), in the reading frame 0, are strongly over-represented, while at the same time the hexanucleotides xxTCxx, xxGTxx, and xxTAxx, are under-represented in the H. pylori protein coding genes. It is well known that the fourth position [11,12] of a pair of adjacent codons is strongly constraint because of the properties of the translation machinery, and the interactions between the ribosomal A and P sites. It is therefore not surprising that the above-observed deviations, which all deal with the fourth position, are detected. The ISSCOR method and the BiHex concept simply allow to sieve out rapidly the nature of nucleotides present at the fourth position, pinpointing the nature of the nucleotides upstream, at the 1st, 2nd or 3rd position of hexanucleotides in the reading frame zero, and to estimate the statistical significance of the observed associations.

Much richer in unexpected results are the comparisons concerning the 5th and the 6th position of adjacent codon-pairs. In several particular patterns the 5th position of an, in frame, hexanucleotide is vastly over-represented (e.g., xxTxTx, xxCxCx, CxxxTx, and xxGxGx), while in others (e.g., xxGxAx, xxCxGx, and CxxxGx) it is strongly under-represented. In the 6th position, again numerous highly significant deviations are observed. The xxAxxT hexanucleotide is the most strongly deviating one amongst all analyzed. Its occurrence in the Helicobacter genes is the least frequent. Just the opposite is true for the hexanucleotides xAxxxC, xxAxxC, and xxGxxT, which are amongst the most frequently occurring; and the most significant patterns. There is no point here, however, in enumerating such a simplified catalogue. What our results demonstrate, is that all positions in a pair of adjacent codons are important, which means that the order of synonymous codons is an intrinsic characteristics of a genuine genome, and that this order can not be too dissimilar between different individual genes. Otherwise, the global occurrences of BiHex patterns would have been scrambled, and no significant deviations could have been uncovered in the complete set of genomic sequences. It is important to repeat once more, that the random permutations of synonymous codons by the ISSCOR method allow us to disentangle the significant deviations from the basal noise. They change neither the codon usage frequencies, nor the amino acid or protein sequences. They earmark and measure “pure” properties of the sequential order, and not the frequencies of the constituents (codons, amino acids) of that order.

In a comprehensive survey of codon-pair biases across ORFs from 16 genomes, Buchan et al. ([12], and references therein), have concluded that tRNA properties help shaping adjacent codon-pair preferences. Our results are compatible with this interpretation. They strengthen, however, the idea that the basis of selection of codon-pairs depends not only on the tetranucleotide combinations, but on the complete hexanucleotide combinations (with its first and last positions as well). Interestingly, our results were obtained with Helicobacter pylori, which is an organism amongst the least affected by the tRNA-based translational selection of synonymous codons [12,17].

3.3 Perusal of BiHex patterns at long range distances demonstrates that the sequential order of synonymous codons is constrained in a specific manner all along protein coding genes

Fig. 3A gives examples and demonstrates the “pure” order aspects at long-range distances along the genes. Highly significant deviations can be observed and measured for non-adjacent codon-pairs separated by 3, 5, or 6 codon spacers λ. Although less striking in their amplitude of differences than those observed for the adjacent codon-pairs (i.e., λ=0), their significance leaves no doubt. Several BiHex patterns from the original genome differ from those of the permuted ones from 5 up to 15 STD units. These differences occur as well in the positive direction (over abundance), as in the negative direction (under abundance). These deviations correspond to E values smaller than 10−10. Importantly, for each set of distances along the genes a different set of significant BiHex patterns is detected. One can see, in the examples shown in Fig. 3A, that the BiHex patterns deviating at λ=5 (orange) frequently do not coincide with those deviating at λ=6 (blue). The property of “sui generis” constraints is therefore always true at long range, but the nature of specific codon-pairs, which are constrained at long distances is different. Just one example, the comparison of a 21-mer (λ=5) oligonucleotide, and a 24-mer (λ=6) oligonucleotide, illustrates this notion. We have verified, by the in depth analysis of the BiHex pattern xxG-xxG (vide supra), that this is true for the 240 codon-pairs, which constitute this pattern. These codon-pairs, which are conspicuous in the 24-mers, and significantly over-represented (Table 3), are not necessarily those, which are conspicuous and over-represented in 21-mers (data not shown), and vice versa.

In conclusion the remarkable and singular properties of polynucleotide chains described in this work are properties of the sequential order of synonymous codons within a gene, which must be under selective pressure. This sequential order is thus superimposed on the classical codon usage frequencies. This new dimension can be measured by the ISSCOR method, which is simple, robust, and should be useful for comparative and functional genomics.


J.P.R. was partially supported by the EU project SSPE-CT-2006-44405, also J.P.R. and P.P.S. were partially supported from the 352/6.PR-UE/2007/7 grant. We would like to thank Dr. C.J. Herbert for looking over the English. This contribution was presented for the first time at the international symposium “The Logic of Gene Regulation Networks” in the honor of Prof. René Thomas, Brussels, May 30–31, 2008.

1 As the repetitive use of the sub-phrase: “codon-pair pattern” may lead to possible confusion, and it might be tedious for the reader, we introduce here the term of hexon. Thus, it is important to give, and to distinguish several definitions of some frequently used notions:

  • Codon-pair: two consecutive codons in the reading frame zero, located on the same strand, and within the same ORF (in the 5′–3′ orientation, i.e., Watson strand); there are 61×61+61×3 such different codon-pairs, and different codon-pairs in an ORF terminated by a stop codon.
  • Hexon: a codon-pair separated by an arbitrary number of other codons (λ); for λ=0 the hexon is an adjacent codon-pair, corresponding to a hexanucleotide while for all other values of λ, the hexon corresponds to non-adjacent codon-pairs; for λ=1 the hexon corresponds to a nonanucleotide, for λ=2 it corresponds to a dodecanucleotide, etc. (for which only the first and the last codons are specified); in this work we shall explore hexons from λ=0 to λ=32; i.e., from hexanucleotides, to 102-oligonucleotides, for which there are 3904×33=128832 different hexon patterns.
  • Bigram: is a group of two – out of four possible – symbols (in the context of this work they are A, C, G, and T, clearly corresponding to the four DNA nucleotides).
  • BiHex: is a bigram derived from a hexon; since each codon comprises three nucleotides, in the respective positions 1, 2, 3, and the analysis involves all possible positional combinations of the four nucleotides; at six positions, there are altogether 144 BiHex patterns (3×3×4×4) for each given value of λ, and 144×33 for all values of λ explored here. Table 1 summarizes all the possible BiHex patterns.
Table 1 The list of all the 144 BiHex patterns analyzed.
A Axx-Axx xAx-Axx xxA-Axx Cxx-Axx xCx-Axx xxC-Axx Gxx-Axx xGx-Axx xxG-Axx Txx-Axx xTx-Axx xxT-Axx
Axx-xAx xAx-xAx xxA-xAx Cxx-xAx xCx-xAx xxC-xAx Gxx-xAx xGx-xAx xxG-xAx Txx-xAx xTx-xAx xxT-xAx
Axx-xxA xAx-xxA xxA-xxA Cxx-xxA xCx-xxA xxC-xxA Gxx-xxAx Gx-xxA xxG-xxA Txx-xxA xTx-xxA xxT-xxA
C Axx-Cxx xAx-Cxx xxA-Cxx Cxx-Cxx xCx-Cxx xxC-Cxx Gxx-Cxx xGx-Cxx xxG-Cxx Txx-Cxx xTx-Cxx xxT-Cxx
Axx-xCx xAx-xCx xxA-xCx Cxx-xCx xCx-xCx xxC-xCx Gxx-xCx xGx-xCx xxG-xCx Txx-xCx xTx-xCx xxT-xCx
Axx-xxC xAx-xxC xxA-xxC Cxx-xxC xCx-xxC xxC-xxC Gxx-xxC xGx-xxC xxG-xxC Txx-xxC xTx-xxC xxT-xxC
G Axx-Gxx xAx-Gxx xxA-Gxx Cxx-Gxx xCx-Gxx xxC-Gxx Gxx-Gxx xGx-Gxx xxG-Gxx Txx-Gxx xTx-Gxx xxT-Gxx
Axx-xGx xAx-xGx xxA-xGx Cxx-xGx xCx-xGx xxC-xGx Gxx-xGx xGx-xGx xxG-xGx Txx-xGx xTx-xGx xxT-xGx
Axx-xxG xAx-xxG xxA-xxG Cxx-xxG xCx-xxG xxC-xxG Gxx-xxG xGx-xxG xxG-xxG Txx-xxG xTx-xxG xxT-xxG
T Axx-Txx xAx-Txx xxA-Txx Cxx-Txx xCx-Txx xxC-Txx Gxx-Txx xGx-Txx xxG-Txx Txx-Txx xTx-Txx xxT-Txx
Axx-xTx xAx-xTx xxA-xTx Cxx-xTx xCx-xTx xxC-xTx Gxx-xTx xGx-xTx xxG-xTx Txx-xTx xTx-xTx xxT-xTx
Axx-xxT xAx-xxT xxA-xxT Cxx-xxT xCx-xxT xxC-xxT Gxx-xxT xGx-xxT xxG-xxT Txx-xxT xTx-xxT xxT-xxT

2 1449=135, see explanation in the legend of Table 3. There are therefore nine non-informative BiHex patterns.

Table 3 Numbering of all the 144 BiHex patterns, and amino acids corresponding to synonymous codon replacements by the ISSCOR method.
No. BiHex 5 3 No. BiHex 5 3 No. BiHex 5 3 No. BiHex 5 3 No. BiHex 5 3 No. BiHex 5 3
1 Axx-Axx R;S R;S 25 Gxx-Axx R;S 49 xAx-Axx R;S 73 xGx-Axx S R;S 97 xxA-Axx aa_12 R;S 121 xxG-Axx aa_11 R;S
2 Axx-Cxx R;S L;R 26 Gxx-Cxx L;R 50 xAx-Cxx L;R 74 xGx-Cxx S L;R 98 xxA-Cxx aa_12 L;R 122 xxG-Cxx aa_11 L;R
3 Axx-Gxx R;S 27 Gxx-Gxx 51 xAx-Gxx 75 xGx-Gxx S 99 xxA-Gxx aa_12 123 xxG-Gxx aa_11
4 Axx-Txx R;S L;S 28 Gxx-Txx L;S 52 xAx-Txx L;S 76 xGx-Txx S L;S 100 xxA-Txx aa_12 L;S 124 xxG-Txx aa_11 L;S
5 Axx-xAx R;S 29 Gxx-xAx 53 xAx-xAx 77 xGx-xAx S 101 xxA-xAx aa_12 125 xxG-xAx aa_11
6 Axx-xCx R;S S 30 Gxx-xCx S 54 xAx-xCx S 78 xGx-xCx S S 102 xxA-xCx aa_12 S 126 xxG-xCx aa_11 S
7 Axx-xGx R;S S 31 Gxx-xGx S 55 xAx-xGx S 79 xGx-xGx S S 103 xxA-xGx aa_12 S 127 xxG-xGx aa_11 S
8 Axx-xTx R;S 32 Gxx-xTx 56 xAx-xTx 80 xGx-xTx S 104 xxA-xTx aa_12 128 xxG-xTx aa_11
9 Axx-xxA R;S aa_12 33 Gxx-xxA aa_12 57 xAx-xxA aa_12 81 xGx-xxA S aa_12 105 xxA-xxA aa_12 aa_12 129 xxG-xxA aa_11 aa_12
10 Axx-xxC R;S aa_15 34 Gxx-xxC aa_15 58 xAx-xxC aa_15 82 xGx-xxC S aa_15 106 xxA-xxC aa_12 aa_15 130 xxG-xxC aa_11 aa_15
11 Axx-xxG R;S aa_11 35 Gxx-xxG aa_11 59 xAx-xxG aa_11 83 xGx-xxG S aa_11 107 xxA-xxG aa_12 aa_11 131 xxG-xxG aa_11 aa_11
12 Axx-xxT R;S aa_15 36 Gxx-xxT aa_15 60 xAx-xxT aa_15 84 xGx-xxT S aa_15 108 xxA-xxT aa_12 aa_15 132 xxG-xxT aa_11 aa_15
13 Cxx-Axx L;R R;S 37 Txx-Axx L;S R;S 61 xCx-Axx S R;S 85 xTx-Axx R;S 109 xxC-Axx aa_15 R;S 133 xxT-Axx aa_15 R;S
14 Cxx-Cxx L;R L;R 38 Txx-Cxx L;S L;R 62 xCx-Cxx S L;R 86 xTx-Cxx L;R 110 xxC-Cxx aa_15 L;R 134 xxT-Cxx aa_15 L;R
15 Cxx-Gxx L;R 39 Txx-Gxx L;S 63 xCx-Gxx S 87 xTx-Gxx 111 xxC-Gxx aa_15 135 xxT-Gxx aa_15
16 Cxx-Txx L;R L;S 40 Txx-Txx L;S L;S 64 xCx-Txx S L;S 88 xTx-Txx L;S 112 xxC-Txx aa_15 L;S 136 xxT-Txx aa_15 L;S
17 Cxx-xAx L;R 41 Txx-xAx L;S 65 xCx-xAx S 89 xTx-xAx 113 xxC-xAx aa_15 137 xxT-xAx aa_15
18 Cxx-xCx L;R S 42 Txx-xCx L;S S 66 xCx-xCx S S 90 xTx-xCx S 114 xxC-xCx aa_15 S 138 xxT-xCx aa_15 S
19 Cxx-xGx L;R S 43 Txx-xGx L;S S 67 xCx-xGx S S 91 xTx-xGx S 115 xxC-xGx aa_15 S 139 xxT-xGx aa_15 S
20 Cxx-xTx L;R 44 Txx-xTx L;S 68 xCx-xTx S 92 xTx-xTx 116 xxC-xTx aa_15 140 xxT-xTx aa_15
21 Cxx-xxA L;R aa_12 45 Txx-xxA L;S aa_12 69 xCx-xxA S aa_12 93 xTx-xxA aa_12 117 xxC-xxA aa_15 aa_12 141 xxT-xxA aa_15 aa_12
22 Cxx-xxC L;R aa_15 46 Txx-xxC L;S aa_15 70 xCx-xxC S aa_15 94 xTx-xxC aa_15 118 xxC-xxC aa_15 aa_15 142 xxT-xxC aa_15 aa_15
23 Cxx-xxG L;R aa_11 47 Txx-xxG L;S aa_11 71 xCx-xxG S aa_11 95 xTx-xxG aa_11 119 xxC-xxG aa_15 aa_11 143 xxT-xxG aa_15 aa_11
24 Cxx-xxT L;R aa_15 48 Txx-xxT L;S aa_15 72 xCx-xxT S aa_15 96 xTx-xxT aa_15 120 xxC-xxT aa_15 aa_15 144 xxT-xxT aa_15 aa_15


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