L’hémoglobine, des micro-organismes à l’homme : un motif structural unique, des fonctions multiples
[Haemoglobin from microorganism to man: a single protein folding, a variety of functions.]
[Haemoglobin from microorganism to man: a single protein folding, a variety of functions.]
p. 1159-1174
Différenciation allozymique multilocus des populations de moule Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk. des côtes marocaines
[Multilocus allozyme differentiation of mussel populations Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk. from Moroccan coasts.]
[Multilocus allozyme differentiation of mussel populations Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk. from Moroccan coasts.]
p. 1175-1183
p. 1191-1207
p. 1209-1214
p. 1215-1217
p. 1219-1224
p. 1225-1230