Comptes Rendus

Open access respectful of the FAIR Guidelines

In the era of open science and web 3.0, digital resources related to a scientific activity are expected to respect the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). This is why the Academy of Sciences and the Mersenne Center strive to make the Proceedings compliant with open science protocols and standards, in order to make them usable by both readers and computer systems.



The Comptes Rendus articles are described by rich metadata (author affiliations, bibliographic metadata...) and are easily searchable by machines, allowing them to be referenced in many tools useful to the scientific community.

Comptes Rendus Chimie is indexed in the following portals and databases (non-exhaustive list):

  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ Seal)
  • WoS Science Citation Index Expanded (Core Collection)
  • WoS Index Chemicus
  • WoS Current Contents Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences
  • WoS Essential Science Indicators
  • Journal Citation Reports
  • Scopus
  • Chemical Abstract Services
  • Cabells Analytics
  • CORE
  • BASE
  • Research4Life


Accessibility and interoperability

The metadata describing the articles in Comptes Rendus favors the use of open, widely used, and Web of Data compliant identifier systems (such as DOIs and ORCIDs).

The entire content of Comptes Rendus Chimie (full text + metadata) is available in the open and interoperable XML-JATS format, and can be harvested via a dedicated OAI-PMH server.


Perennial archiving

All journal articles are archived by the CLOCKSS system to ensure their long-term accessibility and readability.


Printing and reuse

Metadata describing the Comptes Rendus articles are available under a CC-0 license.

Full text of all articles and issues of Comptes Rendus Chimie is available under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license, and can be freely printed. Click here for more information.