French/Nordic Special Issue on Materials and Coordination Chemistry
2024, vol. 27. Guest editors: Abhik Ghosh, Claude P. Gros See the CALL for CONTRIBUTIONS
B2i: the CNRS French research network of Bioengineering of interfaces
Guest editors: Vincent Humblot, Yoann Roupioz, Luc Vellutini
Submissions by invitation only
SolvATE - Solvatation : Avancées Théoriques et Expérimentales
Guest editor: Francesca Ingrosso
Submissions by invitation only
Prométhée - Procédés Hydrométallurgiques pour la Gestion Intégrée des Ressources Primaires et Secondaires
Guest editors: Laurent Cassayre, Hervé Muhr
Submissions by invitation only