p. CO2
External geophysics, Climate and Environment
Insolation and sea level variations during Quaternary interglacial periods: A review of recent results with special emphasis on the last interglaciation
p. 701-710
Géophysique interne
Modélisation magnétotellurique de la structure géologique profonde de l’unité granulitique de l’In Ouzzal (Hoggar occidental)
p. 711-722
Geochemistry (Isotopic geochemistry)
Radiometric dating (U/Th) of the lower marine terrace (MIS 5.5) west of Nice (French Riviera): Morphological and neotectonic quantitative implications
p. 723-731
p. 732-740
Surface Geosciences (Pedology)
Variation of the kaolinite and gibbsite content at regional and local scale in Latosols of the Brazilian Central Plateau
p. 741-748
Géosciences de surface (Paléoclimatologie)
Restitution de l’histoire de la mousson nord-africaine entre 6,2 et 4,9 Ma et relations possibles avec les événements tardi-Miocène
[Reconstruction of Northern African monsoon between 6.2 and 4.9 Ma and possible relationships with Late Miocene events]
p. 749-760
p. 761-770
p. CO3