p. CO2
Géophysique externe, climat
Une nouvelle méthode de cartographie de la région d’Oran (Algérie) à l’aide de la télédétection multispectrale
[A new method of mapping the region of Oran (Algeria) using multispectral remote sensing]
p. 653-663
External geophysics, climate (Aeronomy and meteorology)
A neurocomputing approach to the forecasting of monthly maximum temperature over Kolkata, India using total ozone concentration as predictor
p. 664-676
Hydrology, environment
Storm extreme levels and coastal flood hazards: A parametric approach on the French coast of Languedoc (district of Leucate)
p. 677-690
Hydrology, environment (Geomorphology)
The dynamics of the snow avalanche affected areas in Piatra Mica mountains (Romania)
p. 691-700
Stratigraphie, sédimentologie (Paléoenvironnement)
2000 ans de colmatage du port antique de Fréjus (Forum Julii), France : une double métamorphose littorale
[Silting-up of the Frejus ancient harbour (Forum Julii, France) during the past 2000 years: A two-phase model of palaeoenvironmental change]
p. 701-715
p. CO3