Comptes Rendus

The impact of a major environmental crisis on species, populations and communities: the fragmentation of African forests at the end of the Holocene


External geophysics, climate and environment (Climate and palaeoclimate)
δ13C variation of soil organic matter as an indicator of vegetation change during the Holocene in central Cameroon
[Variation du δ13C de la matière organique des sols comme marqueur des changements de végétation au cours de l’Holocène au centre du Cameroun]
p. 266-271

Stratigraphy, sedimentology (Palaeoenvironment)
Geochronological arguments for a close relationship between surficial formation profiles and environmental crisis (c. 3000–2000 BP) in Gabon (Central Africa)
[Corrélation entre formations superficielles et crise environnementale (c. 3000–2000 BP) au Gabon (Afrique centrale) : arguments géochronologiques]
p. 272-283

External geophysics, climate and environment (Climate and palaeoclimate)
Comparative phylogeography of African rain forest trees: A review of genetic signatures of vegetation history in the Guineo-Congolian region
[Phylogéographie comparée des arbres des forêts pluviales africaines : une revue des indices génétiques de l’histoire de la végétation dans la région guinéo-congolaise]
p. 284-296

External geophysics, climate and environment
Consequences of past climate change for species engaged in obligatory interactions
[Conséquences des changements climatiques passés sur les espèces en interactions obligatoires]
p. 306-315

External geophysics, climate and environment
Seasonal and altitudinal structure of drosophilid communities on Mt Oku (Cameroon volcanic line)
p. 316-326

External geophysics, climate and environment (Climate and palaeoclimate)
Temporal relationship between Holocene human occupation and vegetation change along the northwestern margin of the Central African rainforest
[Relations temporelles entre l’occupation humaine et les changements de la végétation le long de la marge nord-ouest de la forêt humide d’Afrique centrale durant l’Holocène]
p. 327-335

p. 336-349

Stratigrahy, sedimentology (Palaeoenvironment)
Estimating variation in stomatal frequency at intra-individual, intra-site, and inter-taxonomic levels in populations of the Leonardoxa africana (Fabaceae) complex over environmental gradients in Cameroon
[Estimation de la variation de la fréquence stomatique aux niveaux intra-individuel, intra-site, et inter-taxonomique chez des populations du complexe Leonardoxa africana (Fabaceae) selon des gradients environnementaux au Cameroun]
p. 350-359