Special issues published in Comptes Rendus Physique
- From everyday glass to disordered solids
2023, vol. 24, no. S1. Guest editors: Jean-Louis Barrat, Daniel Neuville
- Exoplanets
2023, vol. 24, no. S2. Guest editors: Anne-Marie Lagrange, Daniel Rouan
- CNRS Gold Medal Jean Dalibard
2023, vol. 24, no. S3. Guest editors: Yvan Castin, Klaus Mølmer
- Astronomy, atmospheres and refraction
2022, vol. 23, no. S1. Guest editors: Luc Dettwiller, Pierre Léna
- URSI-France 2020 Workshop
2021, vol. 22, no. S1. Guest editor: Joe Wiart
- Physics of ultra-fast phenomena
2021, vol. 22, no. S2. Guest editors: Eric Collet, Sylvain Ravy
- Plasticity and solid states physics
2021, vol. 22, no. S3. Guest editors: Samuel Forest, David Rodney
- Recent advances in 2D material physics
2021, vol. 22, no. S4. Guest editors: Xavier Marie, Johann Coraux
- Prizes of the French Academy of Sciences 2020
2021, vol. 22, no. S5. Coordinated by: Jacques Villain
- A perspective of High Energy Physics from precision measurements
2020, vol. 21, no. 1. Guest editors: Stéphane Monteil, Marie-Hélène Schune
- Prizes of the French Academy of Sciences 2019
2020, vol. 21, no. 2. Coordinated by Jacques Villain
- Metamaterials 1
2020, vol. 21, no. 4-5. Guest editors: Boris Gralak, Sébastien Guenneau
- Prizes of the French Academy of Sciences 2019 (continued)
2020, vol. 21, no. 6. Coordinated by: Jacques Villain
- Metamaterials 2
2020, vol. 21, no. 7-8. Guest editors: Boris Gralak, Sébastien Guenneau