The figure and list of further reading attached to this abstract have been omitted. They are given below, as well as the entire text of the abstract itself. We apologize to our readers and the author for this omission.
Ecosystem services underpin all dimensions of human well-being. As a consequence, it is crucial to integrate ecosystem services into strategies for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs, Fig. 1). Because insects and other invertebrates have profound and well-identified influences on many ecosystems services (e.g., pollination and biological control) and SDGs (e.g., crop pest and disease vectors), insect research and development have a great potential to address current global challenges. We argue that time is ripe to put more efforts in developing integrated research on the ecosystem services provided by insects, as they may result in solutions to achieve many SDGs. We provide evidence of insects’ utility to address global challenges and propose a framework of the needed shift in the perception of insects from enemies to allies, providers of ecosystem services, and then to solutions to achieve SDGs. We further advocate that making a place for SDG-relevant research on insects’ ecosystem services requires transforming existing academic knowledge into application-driven science, a potential up-scaling of local solutions and socio-economic relevance.
Disclosure of interest
The author declares that he has no competing interest.