Table of contents
p. 1-8
p. 9-18
Review article
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): progress towards a better understanding and treatment of the syndrome
p. 19-25
History of Sciences and Ideas
Ce que Charles Darwin doit à Joseph Banks
[What Charles Darwin owed to Joseph Banks]
p. 27-33
Review article
Molecular complexity of quantitative immunity in plants: from QTL mapping to functional and systems biology
p. 35-44
p. 45-52
Biographical note
Tribute to Roger Guillemin, a pioneer in neuroendocrinology (1924–2024), Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
p. 53-58
Review article
Mitohormesis : la clé de voûte de la résistance thérapeutique des cellules cancéreuses
[Mitohormesis: a key driver of the therapy resistance in cancer cells]
p. 59-75
p. 77-86
Opinion / perspective
Shedding light on the unseen: how live imaging of translation could unlock new insights in developmental biology
p. 87-93
Review article
Évolution des systèmes de reproduction chez les plantes face aux changements globaux
[Evolution of plant mating systems in the face of global change]
p. 95-107
p. 109-117
p. 119-135