Détermination de la composition énantiomérique dˈesters dˈacides aminés par spectroscopie de RMN à lˈaide dˈune chiroporphyrine de cobalt(III) comme agent chiral de déplacement chimique
[Determination of enantiomer composition of amino acid esters by 1H NMR spectroscopy using a chiral cobalt(III) porphyrin shift reagent.]
[Determination of enantiomer composition of amino acid esters by 1H NMR spectroscopy using a chiral cobalt(III) porphyrin shift reagent.]
p. 21-25

Chiroporphyrines froncées à distorsion adjustable
[Ruffled chiroporphyrins with adjustable bridles.]
[Ruffled chiroporphyrins with adjustable bridles.]
p. 27-31

p. 49-52

Dédoublement et détermination des excès énantiomériques des complexes de ruthéniumII hexacoordinés 〚Ru(bpy)2ppy〛+ et 〚Ru(bpy)2Quo〛+ (bpy = bipyridine, ppy = phénylpyridine, Quo = 8-quinolate) utilisés comme templates dans la construction de réseaux anioniques tridimensionnels
[Resolution and determination of the enantiomeric excesses of hexacoordinated complexes of RuII: 〚Ru(bpy)2ppy〛+ and 〚Ru(bpy)2Quo〛+ (bpy = bipyridine, ppy = phenylpyridine, Quo = 8-quinolate) used as cationic templates in the formation of three-dimensional anionic networks.]
[Resolution and determination of the enantiomeric excesses of hexacoordinated complexes of RuII: 〚Ru(bpy)2ppy〛+ and 〚Ru(bpy)2Quo〛+ (bpy = bipyridine, ppy = phenylpyridine, Quo = 8-quinolate) used as cationic templates in the formation of three-dimensional anionic networks.]
p. 53-58