Une carte gravimétrique haute résolution du massif du Mont-Blanc : implications structurales
[A high-resolution gravity map of the Mont-Blanc massif: structural consequences]
[A high-resolution gravity map of the Mont-Blanc massif: structural consequences]
p. 1011-1019
Évolution thermique des séries sédimentaires de la Marge ardéchoise : étude pétrographique de la matière organique et des argiles
[Thermal evolution of the sedimentary series of the Ardèche Margin: petrological studies of organic matter and clays]
[Thermal evolution of the sedimentary series of the Ardèche Margin: petrological studies of organic matter and clays]
p. 1021-1028
Les ensembles fluviatiles néogènes du bassin subandin d'Équateur et implications dynamiques
[The Neogene fluvial systems of the Ecuadorian foreland basin and dynamic inferences]
[The Neogene fluvial systems of the Ecuadorian foreland basin and dynamic inferences]
p. 1029-1037
Enrichissement en uranium authigène dans les sédiments glaciaires de l'océan Austral
[Enrichments in authigenic uranium in glacial sediments of the Southern Ocean]
[Enrichments in authigenic uranium in glacial sediments of the Southern Ocean]
p. 1039-1046
Déstabilisation du phosphate–diphosphate de thorium (PDT), Th4(PO4)2P2O7, entre 320 et 350 °C, porté à 50 MPa en milieu calcique, ou pourquoi le PDT n'a pas d'équivalent naturel
[Breakdown of thorium phosphate–diphosphate (TPD), Th4(PO4)2P2O7, at 320 °C, 50 MPa in Ca-bearing systems, or why TPD does not occur in nature]
[Breakdown of thorium phosphate–diphosphate (TPD), Th4(PO4)2P2O7, at 320 °C, 50 MPa in Ca-bearing systems, or why TPD does not occur in nature]
p. 1047-1052
Volcanisme, activité anthropique et circulation des masses océaniques : leur influence respective sur la distribution des populations d'ostracodes dans la baie de Kagoshima (ı̂le de Kyushu, Japon)
[Impact of volcanism, human activities, and water mass circulation on the distribution of ostracod populations in Kagoshima Bay (Kyushu Island, southern Japan)]
[Impact of volcanism, human activities, and water mass circulation on the distribution of ostracod populations in Kagoshima Bay (Kyushu Island, southern Japan)]
p. 1053-1059