Apports des phyllosilicates dans la différenciation entre altération hypogène et altération supergène dans le basalte triasique du Moyen Atlas (Maroc)
[Contribution of phyllosilicates to distinguish between hypogene alteration and weathering in Triassic basalt from Middle Atlas (Morocco)]
[Contribution of phyllosilicates to distinguish between hypogene alteration and weathering in Triassic basalt from Middle Atlas (Morocco)]
p. 877-884
Les rhyolites hyperalcalines (pantellérites) du lac Tchad. Composition et signification tectonomagmatique
[The peralkaline rhyolites (pantellerites) of the Lake Chad. Composition and tectonomagmatic significance]
[The peralkaline rhyolites (pantellerites) of the Lake Chad. Composition and tectonomagmatic significance]
p. 885-891
Méthodologie de l'extraction des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques. Application à des sédiments de la lagune de Bizerte (Tunisie)
[Methodology of extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Application to sediment from the Bizerte Lagoon (Tunisia)]
[Methodology of extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Application to sediment from the Bizerte Lagoon (Tunisia)]
p. 893-901
Signification des ferruginisations des formations néoprotérozoı̈ques du Nord-Burkina Faso (Afrique de l'Ouest)
[Meaning of ironstones in the sedimentary Neoproterozoic formations of the northern Burkina Faso (western Africa)]
[Meaning of ironstones in the sedimentary Neoproterozoic formations of the northern Burkina Faso (western Africa)]
p. 909-915
Exhumation cénozoı̈que des massifs du Canigou et de Mont-Louis (Pyrénées orientales, France)
[Cainozoic exhumation of the Canigou and Mont-Louis massifs (eastern Pyrenees, France)]
[Cainozoic exhumation of the Canigou and Mont-Louis massifs (eastern Pyrenees, France)]
p. 941-948