Peut-on évaluer le rôle de la sédimentation sur l'effet de serre à l'échelle de temps des cycles orbitaux ?
[Can the role of sedimentation in the greenhouse effect at the time scale of orbital cycles be evaluated?]
[Can the role of sedimentation in the greenhouse effect at the time scale of orbital cycles be evaluated?]
p. 521-528
Structure cristalline d'une ménéghinite naturelle pauvre en cuivre, Cu0,58Pb12,72(Sb7,04Bi0,24)S24
[Crystal structure of a Cu-poor natural meneghinite, Cu0.58Pb12.72(Sb7.04Bi0.24)S24]
[Crystal structure of a Cu-poor natural meneghinite, Cu0.58Pb12.72(Sb7.04Bi0.24)S24]
p. 529-536
Démantèlement des paysages cuirassés anciens en zones forestières tropicales d'Afrique centrale : formation d'accumulations ferrugineuses actuelles en bas de versant
[Old ferricrete landscape dismantling in Central Africa rain forest zone: formation of the present downslope iron accumulations]
[Old ferricrete landscape dismantling in Central Africa rain forest zone: formation of the present downslope iron accumulations]
p. 537-543
Phénomènes karstiques fossiles et actuels au sein des formations métamorphiques silico-alumineuses de la nappe pan-africaine de Yaoundé (Sud-Cameroun)
[Fossil and present-time karstic phenomena in silico-aluminous metamorphic formations of the Pan-African nappe of Yaoundé (South-Cameroon)]
[Fossil and present-time karstic phenomena in silico-aluminous metamorphic formations of the Pan-African nappe of Yaoundé (South-Cameroon)]
p. 545-550
Analyse multirésolution croisée de pluies et débits de sources karstiques
[Multiresolution cross-analysis of rainfall rates and karstic spring runoffs]
[Multiresolution cross-analysis of rainfall rates and karstic spring runoffs]
p. 551-556
Le métamorphisme Tardi-Crétacé à Éocène des zones internes de la chaı̂ne Indo-Birmane (Myanmar occidental) : implications géodynamiques
[Late Cretaceous to Eocene metamorphism of the internal zone of the Indo-Burma range (western Myanmar): geodynamic implications]
[Late Cretaceous to Eocene metamorphism of the internal zone of the Indo-Burma range (western Myanmar): geodynamic implications]
p. 573-580
p. 583-584