In this Note, a conditional least squares (CLS) estimates for periodic GARCH (PGARCH) models with martingale difference centered squared innovations is developed. The approach is extended to the PARMA–PGARCH models. We establish the strong consistency and the asymptotic normality for our estimate.
Dans cette Note, on étudie l'estimateur des moindres carrés conditionnels (CLS) dans les modèles GARCH périodiques (PGARCH) dont le carré centré des innovations est une différence de martingale. Cette approche est étendue aux modèles PARMA–PGARCH. La consistance forte et la normalité asymptotique ont été établies.
Published online:
Abdelouahab Bibi 1; Ines Lescheb 1
@article{CRMATH_2010__348_21-22_1211_0, author = {Abdelouahab Bibi and Ines Lescheb}, title = {A conditional least squares approach to {\protect\emph{PGARCH}} and {\protect\emph{PARMA}{\textendash}\protect\emph{PGARCH}} time series estimation}, journal = {Comptes Rendus. Math\'ematique}, pages = {1211--1216}, publisher = {Elsevier}, volume = {348}, number = {21-22}, year = {2010}, doi = {10.1016/j.crma.2010.10.019}, language = {en}, }
TY - JOUR AU - Abdelouahab Bibi AU - Ines Lescheb TI - A conditional least squares approach to PGARCH and PARMA–PGARCH time series estimation JO - Comptes Rendus. Mathématique PY - 2010 SP - 1211 EP - 1216 VL - 348 IS - 21-22 PB - Elsevier DO - 10.1016/j.crma.2010.10.019 LA - en ID - CRMATH_2010__348_21-22_1211_0 ER -
Abdelouahab Bibi; Ines Lescheb. A conditional least squares approach to PGARCH and PARMA–PGARCH time series estimation. Comptes Rendus. Mathématique, Volume 348 (2010) no. 21-22, pp. 1211-1216. doi : 10.1016/j.crma.2010.10.019.
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