Comptes Rendus
Partial differential equations
On the existence of ground state solutions to critical growth problems nonresonant at zero
Comptes Rendus. Mathématique, Volume 359 (2021) no. 9, pp. 1161-1164.

We prove the existence of ground state solutions to critical growth p-Laplacian and fractional p-Laplacian problems that are nonresonant at zero.

Published online:
DOI: 10.5802/crmath.270
Classification: 35B33, 35J92, 35R11

Kanishka Perera 1

1 Department of Mathematical Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL 32901, USA
License: CC-BY 4.0
Copyrights: The authors retain unrestricted copyrights and publishing rights
     author = {Kanishka Perera},
     title = {On the existence of ground state solutions to critical growth problems nonresonant at zero},
     journal = {Comptes Rendus. Math\'ematique},
     pages = {1161--1164},
     publisher = {Acad\'emie des sciences, Paris},
     volume = {359},
     number = {9},
     year = {2021},
     doi = {10.5802/crmath.270},
     language = {en},
AU  - Kanishka Perera
TI  - On the existence of ground state solutions to critical growth problems nonresonant at zero
JO  - Comptes Rendus. Mathématique
PY  - 2021
SP  - 1161
EP  - 1164
VL  - 359
IS  - 9
PB  - Académie des sciences, Paris
DO  - 10.5802/crmath.270
LA  - en
ID  - CRMATH_2021__359_9_1161_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Kanishka Perera
%T On the existence of ground state solutions to critical growth problems nonresonant at zero
%J Comptes Rendus. Mathématique
%D 2021
%P 1161-1164
%V 359
%N 9
%I Académie des sciences, Paris
%R 10.5802/crmath.270
%G en
%F CRMATH_2021__359_9_1161_0
Kanishka Perera. On the existence of ground state solutions to critical growth problems nonresonant at zero. Comptes Rendus. Mathématique, Volume 359 (2021) no. 9, pp. 1161-1164. doi : 10.5802/crmath.270.

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