Théorie des groupes
Cellules de Kazhdan–Lusztig et correspondance de Robinson–Schensted
[Kazhdan–Lusztig cells and Robinson–Schensted correspondence]
p. 791-794
p. 795-800
Équations aux dérivées partielles
Nouvelles inégalités intégrales et applications à la stabilisation des systèmes distribués non dissipatifs
[New integral inequalities and applications to stabilization of nondissipative distributed systems]
p. 801-804
Partial Differential Equations
The role of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the symmetrized gradient of velocity in the theory of the Navier–Stokes equations
p. 805-810
p. 811-815
Partial Differential Equations
Some non-existence results for critical equations on step-two stratified groups
p. 817-822
Partial Differential Equations
Control, observation and polynomial decay for a coupled heat-wave system
p. 823-828
Géométrie différentielle
Une nouvelle estimation extrinsèque du spectre de l'opérateur de Dirac
[A new extrinsic estimate for the spectrum of the Dirac operator]
p. 829-832
p. 833-838
p. 839-844
Probability Theory/Statistics
Hoeffding decompositions for exchangeable sequences and chaotic representation of functionals of Dirichlet processes
p. 845-850
p. 851-856
p. 857-862
Distribution exacte du score local, cas markovien
[Exact distribution for the local score of a Markov chain]
p. 863-868
Arbres de Markov Triplet et fusion de Dempster–Shafer
[Triplet Markov trees and Dempster–Shafer fusion]
p. 869-872
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
On rigid displacements and their relation to the infinitesimal rigid displacement lemma in three-dimensional elasticity
p. 873-878