Comptes Rendus
Nonlocal discrete p-Laplacian driven image and manifold processing
Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, Volume 336 (2008) no. 5, pp. 428-433.

A framework for nonlocal discrete p-Laplacian regularization on image and manifold represented by weighted graphs of the arbitrary topologies is proposed. The proposed discrete framework unifies the local and nonlocal regularization for image processing and extends them to the processing of any discrete data living on graphs.

Un cadre genéral pour la régularisation basée sur le p-Laplacien discret pour le traitement d'images et de données représentés par des graphes pondérés de topologies arbitraires est proposé dans cet article. Ce cadre unifie la régularisation locale ou non locale sur les images et l'étend naturellement au traitement de données discrètes sur graphes.

Published online:
DOI: 10.1016/j.crme.2008.02.008
Keywords: Computer science, Nonlocal discrete regularization, Weighted graph, p-Laplacian
Mots-clés : Informatique, Régularisation discrète non locale, Graphe pondéré, p-Laplacien

Abderrahim Elmoataz 1; Olivier Lezoray 1; Sébastien Bougleux 1

1 Université de Caen Basse-Normandie and ENSICAEN, GREYC UMR CNRS 6072, 6, boulevard Maréchal Juin, 14050 Caen, France
     author = {Abderrahim Elmoataz and Olivier Lezoray and S\'ebastien Bougleux},
     title = {Nonlocal discrete {\protect\emph{p}-Laplacian} driven image and manifold processing},
     journal = {Comptes Rendus. M\'ecanique},
     pages = {428--433},
     publisher = {Elsevier},
     volume = {336},
     number = {5},
     year = {2008},
     doi = {10.1016/j.crme.2008.02.008},
     language = {en},
AU  - Abderrahim Elmoataz
AU  - Olivier Lezoray
AU  - Sébastien Bougleux
TI  - Nonlocal discrete p-Laplacian driven image and manifold processing
JO  - Comptes Rendus. Mécanique
PY  - 2008
SP  - 428
EP  - 433
VL  - 336
IS  - 5
PB  - Elsevier
DO  - 10.1016/j.crme.2008.02.008
LA  - en
ID  - CRMECA_2008__336_5_428_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Abderrahim Elmoataz
%A Olivier Lezoray
%A Sébastien Bougleux
%T Nonlocal discrete p-Laplacian driven image and manifold processing
%J Comptes Rendus. Mécanique
%D 2008
%P 428-433
%V 336
%N 5
%I Elsevier
%R 10.1016/j.crme.2008.02.008
%G en
%F CRMECA_2008__336_5_428_0
Abderrahim Elmoataz; Olivier Lezoray; Sébastien Bougleux. Nonlocal discrete p-Laplacian driven image and manifold processing. Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, Volume 336 (2008) no. 5, pp. 428-433. doi : 10.1016/j.crme.2008.02.008.

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Cited by Sources:

This research work was partially supported by the ANR foundation under grant ANR-06-MDCA-008-01/FOGRIMMI.

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