Comptes Rendus
Attractors and a “strange term” in homogenized equation
[Attracteurs et un « terme étrange » dans les équations homogénéisées]
Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, Volume 348 (2020) no. 5, pp. 351-359.

Nous étudions le comportement des attracteurs de l’équation de réaction–diffusion dans le domaine perforé car le petit paramètre caractérisant la perforation tend vers zéro.

We study the behavior of attractors of the reaction–diffusion equation in a perforated domain as the small parameter characterizing the perforation tends to zero.

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DOI : 10.5802/crmeca.1
Classification : 35B30, 35B40, 35B45, 35B60, 35Q35, 76A05, 76D10
Keywords: Homogenization, Attractors, Reaction–diffusion equation, Boundary value problem, Perforated domain
Mot clés : Homogénéisation, Attracteurs, Équation de réaction–diffusion, Problème de valeur limite, Domaine perforé

Kuanysh A. Bekmaganbetov 1, 2 ; Gregory A. Chechkin 3, 4 ; Vladimir V. Chepyzhov 5, 6

1 Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling, Pushkin st. 125, Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan
2 M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Kazakhstan Branch, Kazhymukan st. 11, Nur-Sultan, 010010, Kazakhstan
3 Institute of Mathematics with Computing Center - Subdivision of the Ufa Federal Research Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernyshevskogo st., 112, Ufa, 450008, Russia
4 M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, 1, Moscow, 119991, Russia
5 Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Bolshoy Karetniy 19, Moscow 127994, Russia
6 National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow 101000, Russia
Licence : CC-BY 4.0
Droits d'auteur : Les auteurs conservent leurs droits
     author = {Kuanysh A. Bekmaganbetov and Gregory A. Chechkin and Vladimir V. Chepyzhov},
     title = {Attractors and a {\textquotedblleft}strange term{\textquotedblright} in homogenized equation},
     journal = {Comptes Rendus. M\'ecanique},
     pages = {351--359},
     publisher = {Acad\'emie des sciences, Paris},
     volume = {348},
     number = {5},
     year = {2020},
     doi = {10.5802/crmeca.1},
     language = {en},
AU  - Kuanysh A. Bekmaganbetov
AU  - Gregory A. Chechkin
AU  - Vladimir V. Chepyzhov
TI  - Attractors and a “strange term” in homogenized equation
JO  - Comptes Rendus. Mécanique
PY  - 2020
SP  - 351
EP  - 359
VL  - 348
IS  - 5
PB  - Académie des sciences, Paris
DO  - 10.5802/crmeca.1
LA  - en
ID  - CRMECA_2020__348_5_351_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Kuanysh A. Bekmaganbetov
%A Gregory A. Chechkin
%A Vladimir V. Chepyzhov
%T Attractors and a “strange term” in homogenized equation
%J Comptes Rendus. Mécanique
%D 2020
%P 351-359
%V 348
%N 5
%I Académie des sciences, Paris
%R 10.5802/crmeca.1
%G en
%F CRMECA_2020__348_5_351_0
Kuanysh A. Bekmaganbetov; Gregory A. Chechkin; Vladimir V. Chepyzhov. Attractors and a “strange term” in homogenized equation. Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, Volume 348 (2020) no. 5, pp. 351-359. doi : 10.5802/crmeca.1.

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