Multiscale Finite Element Methods (MsFEMs) are now well-established finite element type approaches dedicated to multiscale problems. They first compute local, oscillatory, problem-dependent basis functions that generate a suitable discretization space, and next perform a Galerkin approximation of the problem on that space. We investigate here how these approaches can be implemented in a non-intrusive way, in order to facilitate their dissemination within industrial codes or non-academic environments. We develop an abstract framework that covers a wide variety of MsFEMs for linear second-order partial differential equations. Non-intrusive MsFEM approaches are developed within the full generality of this framework, which may moreover be beneficial to steering software development and improving the theoretical understanding and analysis of MsFEMs.
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Rutger A. Biezemans 1, 2 ; Claude Le Bris 1, 2 ; Frédéric Legoll 1, 2 ; Alexei Lozinski 2, 3

@article{CRMECA_2023__351_S1_135_0, author = {Rutger A. Biezemans and Claude Le Bris and Fr\'ed\'eric Legoll and Alexei Lozinski}, title = {Non-intrusive implementation of a wide variety of {Multiscale} {Finite} {Element} {Methods}}, journal = {Comptes Rendus. M\'ecanique}, pages = {135--180}, publisher = {Acad\'emie des sciences, Paris}, volume = {351}, number = {S1}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.5802/crmeca.178}, language = {en}, }
TY - JOUR AU - Rutger A. Biezemans AU - Claude Le Bris AU - Frédéric Legoll AU - Alexei Lozinski TI - Non-intrusive implementation of a wide variety of Multiscale Finite Element Methods JO - Comptes Rendus. Mécanique PY - 2023 SP - 135 EP - 180 VL - 351 IS - S1 PB - Académie des sciences, Paris DO - 10.5802/crmeca.178 LA - en ID - CRMECA_2023__351_S1_135_0 ER -
%0 Journal Article %A Rutger A. Biezemans %A Claude Le Bris %A Frédéric Legoll %A Alexei Lozinski %T Non-intrusive implementation of a wide variety of Multiscale Finite Element Methods %J Comptes Rendus. Mécanique %D 2023 %P 135-180 %V 351 %N S1 %I Académie des sciences, Paris %R 10.5802/crmeca.178 %G en %F CRMECA_2023__351_S1_135_0
Rutger A. Biezemans; Claude Le Bris; Frédéric Legoll; Alexei Lozinski. Non-intrusive implementation of a wide variety of Multiscale Finite Element Methods. Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, The scientific legacy of Roland Glowinski, Volume 351 (2023) no. S1, pp. 135-180. doi : 10.5802/crmeca.178.
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