Comptes Rendus

Plant biology and pathology / Biologie et pathologie végétales
The regulation from guaiacyl to syringyl lignin in the differentiating xylem of Robinia pseudoacacia
[Régulation du passage de lignines de type quaiacyle vers des lignines de type syringile dans le xylème en voie de différenciation de Robinia pseudoacacia]
Comptes Rendus. Biologies, Volume 327 (2004) no. 9-10, pp. 791-797.


13C- and deuterium (D)-labeled ferulic acid and sinapic acid ([8-13C, 3-OCD3]-ferulic acid and [8-13C, 3,5-OCD3]-sinapic acid) were administered to robinia (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) shoots. To estimate the distribution of the label from administrated ferulic or sinapic acid, continuous 50-μm-thick tangential sections cut from the cambium of robinia were subjected to lignin chemical analysis by the DFRC method. Labeled ferulic acid was incorporated into guaiacyl and syringyl lignin. The incorporation of labeled ferulic acid into syringyl units was observed only in the later stage of lignification. Labeled sinapic acid was incorporated into syringyl lignin in the early stage and the later stage of lignification. In general, syringyl lignin was deposited in the later stage of cell wall lignification. Thus, the incorporation of sinapic acid to syringyl lignin in the early stage of lignification was abnormal. Taken together, the aromatic ring-modifying reactions (the conversion from guaiacyl to syringyl moiety, including the hydroxylation and methylation) were more important for the regulation of the sinapyl alcohol biosynthesis than the reducing reactions (the reduction of acids to alcohols) in the differentiating xylem.

Des doses d'acides férulique et sinapique marqués au 13C- et au deutérium (D) ([8-13C, 3-OCD3]-acide férulique et [8-13C, 3,5-OCD3]-acide sinapique) ont été administrés à de jeunes pousses de robinier (Robinia pseudoacacia L.). Pour estimer la distribution du marquage de l'acide férulique ou sinapique administré, des coupes tangentielles sériées de 50 μm, obtenues à partir du cambium du robinier, ont été soumises à une analyse chimique de leur lignine par la méthode DFRC. L'acide férulique marqué s'est incorporé aux lignines guaiacyle et syringyle. L'incorporation de l'acide férulique marqué dans les unités syringyles a été seulement observée lors de la dernière étape de la lignification. L'acide sinapique marqué s'est incorporé à la lignine syringyle lors des première et dernière étapes de la lignification. En général, la lignine syringyle se dépose lors de la dernière étape de la lignification des parois cellulaires. Ainsi, l'incorporation de l'acide sinapique à la lignine syringyle lors du premier stade de lignification est-elle anormale. Prises ensemble, les réactions de modification du noyau aromatique (la conversion de la fonction guaiacyle en syringyle, avec l'hydroxylation et la méthylation) sont plus importantes pour la régulation de la biosynthèse de l'alcool sinapylique que les réactions de réduction (des acides en alcools) dans le xylème en cours de différenciation.

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DOI : 10.1016/j.crvi.2004.07.012
Keywords: robinia, tracer experiment, DFRC method, syringyl lignin biosynthesis, lignification
Mot clés : robinier, expérience de marquage, méthode DFRC, biosynthèse de la lignine syringyle, lignification

Kazuchika Yamauchi 1 ; Kazuhiko Fukushima 1

1 Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan
     author = {Kazuchika Yamauchi and Kazuhiko Fukushima},
     title = {The regulation from guaiacyl to syringyl lignin in the differentiating xylem of {\protect\emph{Robinia} pseudoacacia}},
     journal = {Comptes Rendus. Biologies},
     pages = {791--797},
     publisher = {Elsevier},
     volume = {327},
     number = {9-10},
     year = {2004},
     doi = {10.1016/j.crvi.2004.07.012},
     language = {en},
AU  - Kazuchika Yamauchi
AU  - Kazuhiko Fukushima
TI  - The regulation from guaiacyl to syringyl lignin in the differentiating xylem of Robinia pseudoacacia
JO  - Comptes Rendus. Biologies
PY  - 2004
SP  - 791
EP  - 797
VL  - 327
IS  - 9-10
PB  - Elsevier
DO  - 10.1016/j.crvi.2004.07.012
LA  - en
ID  - CRBIOL_2004__327_9-10_791_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Kazuchika Yamauchi
%A Kazuhiko Fukushima
%T The regulation from guaiacyl to syringyl lignin in the differentiating xylem of Robinia pseudoacacia
%J Comptes Rendus. Biologies
%D 2004
%P 791-797
%V 327
%N 9-10
%I Elsevier
%R 10.1016/j.crvi.2004.07.012
%G en
%F CRBIOL_2004__327_9-10_791_0
Kazuchika Yamauchi; Kazuhiko Fukushima. The regulation from guaiacyl to syringyl lignin in the differentiating xylem of Robinia pseudoacacia. Comptes Rendus. Biologies, Volume 327 (2004) no. 9-10, pp. 791-797. doi : 10.1016/j.crvi.2004.07.012.

Version originale du texte intégral


DFRC, Derivatization followed by reductive cleavage; GC-MS, gas spectrometry–mass spectrometer; G, guaiacyl; S, syringyl; SIM, selected ion monitoring.

1 Introduction

Lignin is one of the major components of woody plant cell walls, and it gives rigidity to plants and allows water conduction. Lignin molecules in angiosperms are composed of guaiacyl (G) and syringyl (S) units, which are derived from coniferyl alcohol and sinapyl alcohol, respectively [6]. A difference in the ratio of G to S units in different morphological regions of some angiosperms has been shown by UV microscopy [2,3,10], bromination-TEM-EDXA [13], and the chemical characterization of various tissue fractions [1,7]. In addition, the selective radio labeling of specific units in lignin and visualization of the labeled units by microautoradiography is useful for studying the formation and structure of lignin with respect to its location in wood tissues [11,12,17]. These studies demonstrated that G lignin is deposited mainly in the early stage of xylem differentiation on vessel walls and the compound middle lamella of the fiber wall, while S lignin is deposited on fiber secondary cell walls in the later stage of differentiation.

Recent studies suggest that the precursor of syringyl lignin, sinapyl alcohol, is biosynthesized via feruloyl–CoA thioester, coniferaldehyde, and sinapaldehyde without forming sinapic acid [4,5,8,14]. However, we previously demonstrated that exogenous ferulic acid was incorporated into G and S lignin, and exogenous sinapic acid was also incorporated into S lignin in robinia [9,15]. This suggests that sinapic acid is an intermediate of syringyl lignin. Sinapyl alcohol is formed from ferulic acid via the aromatic ring modifying reaction (the hydroxylation and the methylation) and the reducing reactions (the reduction of acids to alcohols), whereas it formed from sinapic acid only via the reducing reductions. It is important to clarify the differences in the regions where sinapic and ferulic acid are incorporated in differentiating xylem in order to elucidate the enzymatic systems responsible for modifying the aromatic ring and reducing the side chain.

In this study, we prepared different stage of continuous sections of newly formed xylem from robinia fed labeled ferulic and sinapic acids, to reveal where these compounds are incorporated into S lignin in the differentiating xylem. We estimated the distribution of the labeled lignin by using the derivatization followed by reductive cleavage method (DFRC), followed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The difference in the in situ incorporation of the labeled precursors is discussed in the regulation of sinapyl alcohol biosynthesis in the differentiating xylem.

2 Material and methods

2.1 Synthesis of labeled precursors

[8-13C, 3-OCD3]-ferulic acid and [8-13C, 3,5-OCD3]-sinapic acid (Fig. 1) were synthesized as described previously [9,15].

Fig. 1

Precursors labeled with stable isotopes. (A) Ferulic acid-[8-13C, 3-OCD3]. (B) Sinapic acid-[8-13C, 3, 5-OCD3].

2.2 Plant material and administration of precursors

The upper parts of 2-year-old shoots of robinia (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) trees that were growing on the campus of the Nagoya University were cut off in July 2000. A small depression was made at the top of the remaining stem and was filled with 30 ml of a 2-mM aqueous solution of each precursor dissolved in a phosphate buffer (pH. 7.01, 25 °C). After 9 days, each shoot was harvested and was soaked in 80% ethanol. And then 50-μm-thick tangential sections were cut from the surface of the bark-free xylem with a sliding microtome. All section was treated by ethanol-benzene (1:2) for 8 h to remove the labeled precursor and low molecular phenolic compounds. The analyses of lignin by the DFRC method were performed using these sections, as shown in Fig. 2 and described previously [15].

Fig. 2

Administration of labeled precursors and sample preparation.

2.3 Analysis of lignin

To degrade and detect the labeled lignin, each section (approximately 1 mg) was applied to the DFRC method [16] followed by GC-MS, with some modification as followed; AcBr stock solution: acetyl bromide/acetic acid (1:4, v/v); Acidic reduction solvent: dioxane/acetic acid/water (5:4:1, v/v/v). To wood section was added the AcBr stock solution (0.5 ml). The mixture was gently stirred at 50 °C for 3 h. The solvent was completely removed by blowing down of N2 gas. The residue was dissolved in the acidic reduction solvent (0.5 ml). Zinc powder (10 mg) was added to a well-stirred solution. Stirring was continued for 30 min. To the mixture were added dichloromethane (1 ml), a saturated ammonium chloride solution (1 ml), and an internal standard (docosane in dichloromethane). The pH of the aqueous phase was adjusted to less than 3 by adding diluted HCl. The aqueous phase was extracted twice more with dichloromethane. The combined dichloromethane fractions were dried over anhydrous Na2SO4, and evaporated in vacuo. The residue was acetylated for 40 min in 1.5 ml of dichloromethane containing 0.2 ml of acetic anhydride and 0.2 ml of pyridine. All volatile components were removed completely by co-evaporation with ethanol in vacuo.

Acetylated DFRC products were analyzed by GC-MS. Mass spectra were recorded at 70 eV with a GCMS-OP2010 (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan), with a fused silica capillary column (DB-1, 30 m×0.32 mm i.d.). The sample (1 μl) was injected at 220 °C. The temperature was programmed to increase from 150 to 280 °C at 20 °C min−1 and, after 5 min, maintained at 280 °C. The carrier gas was helium. Labeled DFRC products were determined by using selected ion monitoring (SIM), according to the previous method [15].

3 Results and discussion

Fig. 3 shows the distribution of the DFRC degradation products (GDFRC, SDFRC) in the robinia given labeled ferulic acid. DFRC method only produces these products from 8-O-4 structures in lignin [17]. Compared with non-labeled shoots, the lignin composition was not affected by the administration of ferulic acid (data not shown). The low yields of the sections near the cambium indicated that these tissues were in the initial stage of lignification. G lignin began to form in the early stage of cell-wall lignification, and the proportion of S lignin increased gradually as lignification proceeded. This indicates that lignin composition is clearly regulated by the differentiation of cell wall in robinia. Previous studies using microautoradiography demonstrated that G lignin was deposited in the early stage of xylem differentiation on vessel walls, followed by the deposition of S lignin on the fiber cell wall, in magnolia, lilac, and beech [12,17]. Our results for robinia were similar to theirs.

Fig. 3

Distribution of the DFRC products (GDFRC, SDFRC) in the robinia given labeled ferulic acid.

Fig. 4 shows the partial mass spectra of each DFRC product (GDFRC and SDFRC) in controls (A) and robinia fed with labeled ferulic (B) or sinapic (C) acid. Each figure shows where the labeled precursor was incorporated into lignin. The molecular ion peaks for GDFRC and SDFRC monomers are at m/z 264 and 294, respectively. In general, aromatic acetates easily lose a ketene group (m 42). Therefore, the mass spectra of GDFRC and SDFRC have base peaks (m) at m/z 222 and 252, respectively. As described previously [15], when fed with [8-13C, 3-OCD3]-ferulic acid, mass peaks were detected at m/z 226 (222+4; m+4) in GDFRC and at m/z 256 (252+4; m+4) in SDFRC (Fig. 4B). When fed with [8-13C, 3,5-OCD3]-sinapic acid, a mass peak was detected at m/z 259 (252+7; m+7) in SDFRC (Fig. 4C). Examination of the areas of the m+4, m+7, and m peaks on selected ion-monitoring (SIM) chromatograms allowed us to estimate the amount of labeled lignin subunits in each section. Fig. 5 shows the distribution of the yields of labeled DFRC products in each section of robinia fed with labeled ferulic (A) or sinapic (B) acid. When fed with [8-13C, 3-OCD3]-ferulic acid, labeled GDFRC was located 250–350 and 550–700 μm from the cambium. The distribution of labeled GDFRC increased gradually as cell-wall lignification proceeded, and the labeled SDFRC was located 450–600 μm from the cambium. When fed with [8-13C, 3,5-OCD3]-sinapic acid, labeled SDFRC was located 150–250 and 450–700 μm from the cambium. Little of the label from sinapic acid was incorporated into GDFRC in any section.

Fig. 4

Partial mass spectra of each DFRC product in robinia. (A) Control, no feeding; (B) fed with labeled ferulic acid; (C) fed with labeled sinapic acid.

Fig. 5

Distribution of the yield of labeled DFRC products. (A) Labeled GDFRC (m+4) and SDFRC (m+4) in robinia fed with labeled ferulic acid. (B) Labeled GDFRC (m+4) and SDFRC (m+7) in robinia fed with labeled sinapic acid.

Labeled ferulic acid has begun to incorporate into G lignin in the early stages of cell-wall lignification and the incorporations increased as cell-wall lignification proceeded. And the labeled ferulic acid is also incorporated into S lignin during the late stage of lignification. These localizations corresponded with the heterogeneous deposition of lignin moieties. Labeled sinapic acid was incorporated into S lignin in the early and late stages of lignification. However, the deposition of S lignin occurred mainly in the later stage of lignification. Thus, the incorporation of labeled sinapic acid into syringyl lignin in the early stage would be abnormal conversion.

These results indicated that the exogenous ferulic acid was incorporated in the normal lignin biosynthetic process, including the regulation of coniferyl and sinapyl alcohol biosynthesis, whereas the exogenous sinapic acid was not. The conversion of ferulic acid to sinapyl alcohol goes via the aromatic ring modifying reaction (the hydroxylation and the methylation) and the reducing reactions (the reduction of acids to alcohols). The conversion of sinapic acid to sinapyl alcohol goes only via the reducing reactions (the reduction of acids to alcohols). Therefore, the regulation of the syringyl lignin biosynthetic process would occur in the aromatic ring modifying reaction (the conversion from guaiacyl to syringyl moiety) in the differentiating xylem.

4 Conclusions

In robinia, sinapyl alcohols are generated mainly in the later stage in the differentiating xylem. For the regulation of the sinapyl alcohol biosynthesis, the aromatic ring-modifying reactions including the hydroxylation and methylation (the conversion from guaiacyl to syringyl moiety) are more important than the reducing reactions (the reduction from sinapic acid to sinapyl alcohol).


This study was partly supported by Grant-in-Aids for Scientific Research (Nos. 14360097 and 15255016) from JSPS and for Bio Design Program from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries of Japan.


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This article is dedicated to a pioneer who has fixed his eyes upon the lignin structures and distributions from the new angle, that is, morphological aspect, differentiation of the cell or evolution of plant.

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