p. 1-3
News and Views
Une nouvelle méthode de cartographie micrométrique 3D des vaisseaux cérébraux
[A novel method for micrometric 3D mapping of the brain vasculature]
p. 5-6
News and Views
L’horloge de segmentation humaine sonne toutes les cinq heures
[The human segmentation clock rings every five hours]
p. 7-8
Prizes of the Academy
SAMHD1 agit sur les fourches de réplication bloquées pour empêcher l’induction d’interféron
[SAMHD1 acts at stalled replication forks to prevent interferon induction]
p. 9-21
Prizes of the Academy
Un nouveau type de matière active explique la formation d’agrégats bactériens et leur impact sur l’infection à méningocoque
[A new type of active matter explains the mechanism of bacterial aggregation and its impact on meningococcal infection]
p. 23-25
p. 27-31
p. 33-39
News and events
Genetic barcoding of Ecuadorian epilithic diatom species suitable as water quality bioindicators
p. 41-52
News and events
Nerve structures of the heart and their immunohistochemical characterization in 10-week-old porcine foetuses
p. 53-62
News and events
Genetic diversity and genetic differentiation of invasive weed Xanthium italicum in China
p. 63-72
p. 73-87
News and events
Aquaporin 4 in the chicken oviduct during a pause in laying induced by food deprivation
p. 89-99
p. 101-110