Molecular biology and genetics/Biologie et génétique moléculaires
Detection of phytochrome-like genes from Rhazya stricta (Apocynaceae) using de novo genome assembly
p. 521-529
Molecular biology and genetics/Biologie et génétiquemoléculaires
Rapid identification of potential drought tolerance genes from Solanum tuberosum by using a yeast functional screening method
p. 530-545
Cell biology/Biologie cellulaire
Thymoquinone causes multiple effects, including cell death, on dividing plant cells
p. 546-556
Cell biology/Biologie cellulaire
Isolation and characterization of rhizosphere bacteria for the biocontrol of the damping-off disease of tomatoes in Tunisia
p. 557-564
p. 565-571
p. 572-581
A study of the relict fish fauna of northern Chad, with the first records of a polypterid and a poeciliid in the Sahara desert
p. 582-587
p. 591-594
p. 595-597