This second volume of the thematic issue of Comptes rendus Chimie dedicated to “Clean Fuels and Renewable Energy” contains a series of papers presented at the International Symposium on “Air and Water Pollution Abatement Catalysis” (AWPAC 2014), held in Cracow (1st–5th September 2014), within the framework of the International Group of Research (GDRI) “Catalysis for Environment, Depollution, Renewable Energy and Clean Fuels”, founded by the “Centre national de la recherche scientifique” (CNRS, France) and the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN).
This conference, gathering 135 participants from 20 different countries, was a success. The focus of this session (session 3) was on catalytic coal and biomass gasification and valorization to cleaner fuels. Thus, syngas and fuel production were the main subjects discussed. Processes such as reforming (oxy, dry, steam), partial methane oxidation (POM), chemical looping combustion (CLC), chemical looping reforming (CLR), water gas shift (WGS) and Fischer–Tropsch reactions have also been considered.
The organizers would like to thank the dean of the Faculty of Energy and Fuels, Prof. Wojciech Suwała, and Dr. Monika Motak, from AGH University, our hosts, and all the persons from both the Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry and the Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow, as well as the members of AGH University of Science and Technology for the excellent co-organization of the symposium.