Solvents play an important role in a large number of operation units in chemistry and chemical engineering. They are widely used in manufacturing processes such as perfume, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, food ingredients, nutraceutical, biofuel, or fine chemical industries, as well as for synthesis, extraction, purification, formulation, or synthetic processes. Recent trends in green chemistry have largely focused on finding solutions that minimize the use of solvents or finding alternatives to (toxic) petroleum-based solvents. This must be achieved while also enabling process intensification and the development of cost-effective production of high-quality extracts.
The objective of the 2017 Workshop on alternative solvents was to provide a complete overview of the state of the art in alternative and green solvents used at the laboratory and industrial scales for extraction, purification, formulation of natural products, and for synthesis. A special emphasis was dedicated to innovative and original methods and procedures, alternative solvents, and safer products. The two days' workshop gathered more than 150 participants: professionals from industry, researchers and lecturers from academia engaged in biobased product chemistry, and graduate students. More than 20 plenary lectures given by internationally renowned experts from academia and industry involved in the synthesis or use of green alternatives to conventional solvents were presented. A poster session also offered the possibility to present the latest developments from young researchers and Ph.D. students. In addition, a stimulating round-table chaired by experts both from industry and academia allowed a thorough discussion aiming at identifying the drivers and locks that promote or limit the implementation of a green solvent strategy.
WAS 2017 served for bridging the gap between academia and industry for the advancement of research in the field of ‘‘alternative solvents’’ by connecting scientific experts and industries within and across disciplines (synthesis, extraction, formulation, and purification) from around the world in the vibrant capital of the gastronomy, Lyon, France. WAS 2017 participants received a copy of the book The Little Prince by the well-known writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and also enjoyed a gala dinner aboard a Bateau-Mouche.
Les solvants jouent un rôle important dans un grand nombre d'opérations unitaires en chimie et en génie des procédés. Ils sont utilisés pour les procédés d'extraction, de synthèse, de purification ou de formulation de principes actifs dans l'industrie cosmétique, la parfumerie, l'agroalimentaire, la pharmacie ou la valorisation de la biomasse. L'utilisation des solvants pétroliers est de plus en plus souvent montrée du doigt pour son impact négatif et sa participation à la pollution environnementale et à l'effet de serre.
Cette journée thématique sur les solvants alternatifs pour la synthèse, l'extraction, la purification, la synthèse et la formulation a permis aux acteurs du domaine d'entrer dans leur révolution « verte », en opérant une mutation vers des solvants alternatifs issus de la biomasse. Plus de 150 chercheurs, représentant plus de 15 pays, venant du milieu industriel (50%) mais aussi académique (50%), ont participé à cette deuxième rencontre sur les solvants alternatifs (WAS 2017) dans la capitale de la gastronomie, Lyon, France. Il leur a été remis un exemplaire du livre d’Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Le Petit Prince. Il leur a aussi été offert un dîner de gala sur un bateau-mouche.