p. CO2
Les chaînes de la marge occidentale du Craton Ouest-Africain, modèles géodynamiques
[Mobiles belts on the western part of the West African Craton and geodynamic interpretations]
[Mobiles belts on the western part of the West African Craton and geodynamic interpretations]
p. 1-10
External geophysics, climate and environment (Dynamical oceanography)
The importance of local mean time in remote sensing for mapping megatidal zones
p. 11-18
Geomaterials (Petrology)
Was the lethal eruption of Lake Nyos related to a double CO2/H2O density inversion?
p. 19-26
Geomaterials (Sedimentology)
Bacterial calcification as a possible trigger for francolite precipitation under sulfidic conditions
p. 27-35
Geomaterials (Ore deposits)
Tectonic implications of new single zircon Pb-Pb evaporation data in the Lossogonoi and Longido ruby-districts, Mozambican metamorphic Belt of north-eastern Tanzania
p. 36-45
p. 46-52
Geochemistry (Cosmochemistry)
The thermal history of the Acapulco meteorite and its parent body deduced from U/Pb systematics in mineral separates and bulk rock fragments
p. 53-59
Surface geosciences (Hydrology–Hydrogeology)
A thirty-year artificial recharge experiment in a coastal aquifer in an arid zone: The Teboulba aquifer system (Tunisian Sahel)
p. 60-74
Relevés de température au marégraphe de Marseille
[Temperature measurements at the Marseille tide gauge]
p. 75-78
Oceanography (Marine geophysics)
Internal architecture of the soft sediment cover of the South-Aquitaine shelf (Bay of Biscay): A record of high frequency sea level variations?
p. 79-86
p. CO3