p. CO2
Géophysique interne
Contribution à la modélisation des vitesses de propagation des ondes P et S dans les formations sédimentaires argileuses
[Contribution to the modelling of the compressional wave P and shear acoustic wave S in argillaceous-sedimentary formations]
p. 779-790
p. 791-800
p. 801-810
Geomaterials (Petrology)
Eclogite and pyroxenite xenoliths from off-craton kimberlites near the Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa
p. 811-821
Géomatériaux (métallogénie)
Origine du soufre associé aux minéralisations Pb-Zn de type Mississippi Valley de la chaîne des Beni Snassen orientaux (Maroc nord-oriental)
[Origin of sulfur associated to the eastern Beni Snassen Pb-Zn Mississippi Valley-type deposits (northeastern Morocco)]
p. 822-828
Geomaterials (Ore deposits)
Synchronous deposition of massive sulphide deposits in the Iberian Pyrite Belt: New data from Las Herrerías and La Torerera ore-bodies
p. 829-839
p. 840-849
Geochemistry (geochronology)
Geochemistry and geochronology of mafic rocks from Bamenda Mountains (Cameroon): Source composition and crustal contamination along the Cameroon Volcanic Line
p. 850-857
Surface geosciences (hydrology, hydrogeology)
Analysis, in a free surface steady flow, of the interstitial velocity field inside a sedimentary bed
p. 858-864
Surface geosciences (pedology)
A spectrophotometric measurement of soil cation exchange capacity based on cobaltihexamine chloride absorbance
p. 865-871
Surface Geosciences (Pedology)
Sources and extractibility of chromium and nickel in soil profiles developed on Czech serpentinites
p. 872-882
Surface geosciences (palaeoenvironment)
Late Glacial-Holocene sequence of Lake Saint-Point (Jura Mountains, France): Detrital inputs as records of climate change and anthropic impact
p. 883-892
p. 900-904
p. 905-907
p. 908-912
p. 913-917
p. CO3