p. CO2
p. 261-277
External Geophysics (Climate and palaeoclimate)
A one-year (2005) comparison of seawater temperature series between in situ and modelling data: Application to the Strait of Bonifacio (South Corsica)
p. 278-283
p. 284-294
Hydrology, environment (Pedology)
Analysis of physical quality of soil using the water retention curve: Validity of the S-index
p. 295-301
Statigraphie, sédimentologie
Activités volcaniques sous-marines à la limite Jurassique-Crétacé dans le Rif externe (Maroc). Âge et relation avec la sédimentation et la paléogéographie du sillon rifain externe
[Submarine volcanism activities at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in the external Rif chain (Morocco). Age and relationship with sedimentation and the palaeogeography of the external riffian trough]
p. 302-311
Tectonics, tectonophysics
The geometry of the Archean, Paleo- and Neoproterozoic tectonics in the Southwest Cameroon
p. 312-322
p. CO3