Comptes Rendus

Issue no. 1 Table of Contents

Hydrologie, environnement
Eaux minérales naturelles et eaux de sources en Algérie
[Natural mineral waters and spring waters in Algeria]
p. 20-31

Issue no. 2-3 Table of Contents

Petrology, geochemistry (Mineralogy)
Environmental mineralogy – Understanding element behavior in ecosystems
p. 90-112

Petrology, geochemistry (Mineralogy)
Mineral-organic-microbe interactions: Environmental impacts from molecular to macroscopic scales
p. 140-159

Petrology, geochemistry (Mineralogy)
A review of the effects of iron redox cycles on smectite properties
p. 199-209

Petrology, geochemistry (Mineralogy)
Safe management of actinides in the nuclear fuel cycle: Role of mineralogy
p. 219-229

Petrology, geochemistry (Mineralogy)
Minerals and design of new waste forms for conditioning nuclear waste
p. 230-236

p. 246-259

Issue no. 4 Table of Contents

Statigraphie, sédimentologie
Activités volcaniques sous-marines à la limite Jurassique-Crétacé dans le Rif externe (Maroc). Âge et relation avec la sédimentation et la paléogéographie du sillon rifain externe
[Submarine volcanism activities at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in the external Rif chain (Morocco). Age and relationship with sedimentation and the palaeogeography of the external riffian trough]
p. 302-311

Issue no. 5 Table of Contents

L’abbé Gui de Mortessagnes (1714–1796), collaborateur de Faujas de Saint-Fond et pionnier de la volcanologie en Vivarais-Velay (France)
[Abbé Gui de Mortessagnes (1714–1796), collaborator of Faujas de Saint-Fond and pioneer in volcanology in southern France (Vivarais-Velay)]
p. 370-378

Issue no. 6 Table of Contents

Issue no. 7 Table of Contents

Issue no. 8-9 Table of Contents

Nouveaux développements de l’imagerie et du suivi temporel à partir du bruit sismique

Internal geophysics (Physics of Earth’s interior)
A Semi-classical calculus of correlations
p. 496-501

Internal geophysics/Applied geophysics
Fluctuation theory of ambient noise imaging
p. 502-511

Internal geophysics (Physics of Earth's interior)
Extraction of P-wave reflections from microseisms
p. 512-525

External geophysics, climate (Dynamical oceanography)
Ocean acoustic noise and passive coherent array processing
p. 533-547

Internal geophysics (Applied geophysics)
Source distribution of ocean microseisms and implications for time-dependent noise tomography
p. 548-557

Internal geophysics (Physics of Earth's interior)
Ambient noise tomography with a large seismic array
p. 558-570

Internal geophysics (Physics of Earth’s interior)
Two-dimensional sensitivity kernels for cross-correlation functions of background surface waves
p. 584-590

p. 591-599

Internal geophysics (Physics of Earth's interior)
On amplitude information carried by the ambient seismic field
p. 600-614

Internal geophysics
Reconstructing the Green's function through iteration of correlations
p. 623-632

Internal geophysics (Physics of Earth's interior)
Monitoring volcanoes using seismic noise correlations
p. 633-638

p. 639-651

Issue no. 10 Table of Contents

Géophysique externe, climat
Une nouvelle méthode de cartographie de la région d’Oran (Algérie) à l’aide de la télédétection multispectrale
[A new method of mapping the region of Oran (Algeria) using multispectral remote sensing]
p. 653-663

Stratigraphie, sédimentologie (Paléoenvironnement)
2000 ans de colmatage du port antique de Fréjus (Forum Julii), France : une double métamorphose littorale
[Silting-up of the Frejus ancient harbour (Forum Julii, France) during the past 2000 years: A two-phase model of palaeoenvironmental change]
p. 701-715

Issue no. 11-12 Table of Contents

p. 813-817

p. 818-821