Comptes Rendus
Lie Algebras
L0-types common to a Borel–de Siebenthal discrete series and its associated holomorphic discrete series
Comptes Rendus. Mathématique, Volume 350 (2012) no. 23-24, pp. 1007-1009.

Let G0 be a simply connected non-compact real simple Lie group and let K0 be a maximal compact subgroup of G0. Suppose that K0 is semisimple and that rank(K0)=rank(G0). Let Δ+ be a Borel–de Siebenthal positive root system and let πλ be the Borel–de Siebenthal discrete series of G0 with Harish-Chandra parameter λ. One has a certain subgroup L0K0 so that K0/L0 is an irreducible Hermitian symmetric space. Also, there is a holomorphic discrete series πλ of K0, the non-compact dual of K0, with Harish-Chandra parameter λ:=λ(1/2)α, where the sum is over non-compact roots in Δ+. We prove that there are infinitely many L0-types common to πλ and πλ under certain hypotheses.

Soit G0 un groupe de Lie simple réel simplement connexe non-compact et soit K0 un sous-groupe compact maximal de G0. Supposons que K0 soit semisimple, et que rang(K0)=rang(G0). Supposons que Δ+ soit un système positif de racines de Borel–de Siebenthal de G0. Soit πλ la représentation de la série discrète de Borel–de Siebenthal de G0 avec paramètre de Harish-Chandra λ. Il existe un sous-groupe connexe L0K0 tel que K0/L0 soit un espace Hermitien symétrique irréductible. Soit K0 le dual non-compact de K0 par rapport à L0. On a une série discrète holomorphe πλ de K0 avec paramètre de Harish-Chandra λ:=λ(1/2)αα parcourt les racines non-compactes de Δ+. On montre quʼil existe une infinité de L0-types communs à πλ et πλ sous certaines hypothèses.

Published online:
DOI: 10.1016/j.crma.2012.11.009

Pampa Paul 1; K.N. Raghavan 1; Parameswaran Sankaran 1

1 The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, CIT Campus, Taramani, Chennai 600113, India
     author = {Pampa Paul and K.N. Raghavan and Parameswaran Sankaran},
     title = {$ {L}_{0}$-types common to a {Borel{\textendash}de} {Siebenthal} discrete series and its associated holomorphic discrete series},
     journal = {Comptes Rendus. Math\'ematique},
     pages = {1007--1009},
     publisher = {Elsevier},
     volume = {350},
     number = {23-24},
     year = {2012},
     doi = {10.1016/j.crma.2012.11.009},
     language = {en},
AU  - Pampa Paul
AU  - K.N. Raghavan
AU  - Parameswaran Sankaran
TI  - $ {L}_{0}$-types common to a Borel–de Siebenthal discrete series and its associated holomorphic discrete series
JO  - Comptes Rendus. Mathématique
PY  - 2012
SP  - 1007
EP  - 1009
VL  - 350
IS  - 23-24
PB  - Elsevier
DO  - 10.1016/j.crma.2012.11.009
LA  - en
ID  - CRMATH_2012__350_23-24_1007_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Pampa Paul
%A K.N. Raghavan
%A Parameswaran Sankaran
%T $ {L}_{0}$-types common to a Borel–de Siebenthal discrete series and its associated holomorphic discrete series
%J Comptes Rendus. Mathématique
%D 2012
%P 1007-1009
%V 350
%N 23-24
%I Elsevier
%R 10.1016/j.crma.2012.11.009
%G en
%F CRMATH_2012__350_23-24_1007_0
Pampa Paul; K.N. Raghavan; Parameswaran Sankaran. $ {L}_{0}$-types common to a Borel–de Siebenthal discrete series and its associated holomorphic discrete series. Comptes Rendus. Mathématique, Volume 350 (2012) no. 23-24, pp. 1007-1009. doi : 10.1016/j.crma.2012.11.009.

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[5] P. Paul; K.N. Raghavan; P. Sankaran L0-types common to a Borel–de Siebenthal discrete series and its associated holomorphic discrete series | arXiv

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