Comptes Rendus

Issue no. 1-2 Table of Contents

Combinatoire/Théorie des nombres
Chiffres non nuls dans le développement en base entière des nombres algébriques irrationnels
[Non-zero digits in the expansion of irrational algebraic numbers in an integer base]
p. 1-4

Number Theory
Specialization of monodromy group and -independence
p. 5-7

Algebra/Group Theory
Disjoint pairs for GLn(R) and GLn(C)
p. 9-11

p. 13-18

Mathematical Analysis
On m-symmetric d-orthogonal polynomials
p. 19-22

Partial Differential Equations/Differential Geometry
Finsler structure in the p-Wasserstein space and gradient flows
p. 35-40

Partial Differential Equations/Differential Geometry
A Note on the Bernstein property of a fourth order complex partial differential equations
p. 41-44

p. 45-50

Partial Differential Equations
Well-posedness of a low Mach number system
p. 51-55

Partial Differential Equations/Optimal Control
Simultaneous observability and stabilization of some uncoupled wave equations
p. 57-62

Géométrie différentielle/Systèmes dynamiques
Espace de configuration dʼun système mécanique et tours de fibrés associées à un multi-drapeau spécial
[Configuration space of some mechanical system and towers of bundles associated to a special multi-flag]
p. 71-76

Topologie/Systèmes dynamiques
Enlacement entre géodésiques sur une orbifold
[Linking between geodesics on an orbifold]
p. 77-80

Probability Theory/Mathematical Physics
On resonances in disordered multi-particle systems
p. 81-85

Marche aléatoire sur un di-graphe et frontière de Martin
[Random walks on directed lattices and Martin boundary]
p. 87-90

Probability Theory
Baum–Katz type theorems for martingale arrays
p. 91-96

Analyse numérique
Correction non linéaire et principe du maximum avec des schémas hybrides pour la discrétisation dʼopérateurs de diffusion
[A nonlinear correction and maximum principle for diffusion operators with hybrid schemes]
p. 101-106

Mathematical Physics/Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Variation on a theme by Bobylëv and Villani
p. 107-110

p. 111-116

Issue no. 3-4 Table of Contents

Number Theory/Algebraic Geometry
On uniform boundedness of a rational distance set in the plane
p. 121-124

Algèbre/Géométrie algébrique
Actions modérées de schémas en groupes affines et champs modérés
[Tame actions of affine group schemes and tame stacks]
p. 125-128

Algèbre homologique
Erratum à la Note « f-catégories, tours et motifs de Tate » [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 347 (2009) 1137–1342], avec un appendice de Q. Liu et de J. Vitória
[Corrigendum to the Note “f-categories, towers, and Tate motives” [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 347 (2009) 1137–1342], with an appendix by Q. Liu and J. Vitória]
p. 129-131

Mathematical Analysis/Number Theory
The Minkowski ?(x) function and Salemʼs problem
p. 137-140

p. 141-145

p. 149-152

p. 157-160

Ordinary Differential Equations/Partial Differential Equations
Reduction method for studying localized solutions of neural field equations on the Poincaré disk
p. 161-166

Ordinary Differential Equations/Partial Differential Equations
On an explicit representation of the solution of linear stochastic partial differential equations with delays
p. 167-172

Ordinary Differential Equations/Dynamical Systems
On the stability of hematopoietic model with feedback control
p. 173-176

Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Physics
Dissipation anomaly and energy cascade in 3D incompressible flows
p. 199-202

Partial Differential Equations/Numerical Analysis
A new error bound for reduced basis approximation of parabolic partial differential equations
p. 203-207

Vector bundles on toric varieties
p. 209-212

Algebraic Geometry
On vector bundles on curves over F¯p
p. 213-216

Analytic Geometry/Topology
A remark on vanishing cycles with two strata
p. 217-220

Issue no. 5-6 Table of Contents

p. 235-237

Complex Analysis/Analytic Geometry
On the image of an algebraic projective space
p. 239-241

Partial Differential Equations
A kinetic eikonal equation
p. 243-248

Analyse harmonique
Sur le comportement asymptotique des puissances de convolution et du noyau de la chaleur sur les groupes de Lie semisimples
[On the asymptotic behaviour of convolution powers and heat kernels on semisimple Lie groups]
p. 255-257

Analyse fonctionnelle/Probabilités
La transformée en ridelettes pour les fonctionnelles de Wiener
[The ridgelet transform for Wiener functionals]
p. 259-262

Functional Analysis
Operators with normal Aluthge transforms
p. 263-266

Contrôle optimal
Applications des EDSR à horizon infini à un problème de contrôle impulsionnel
[Applications of an infinite horizon BSDEʼs to an impulse control problem]
p. 267-271

Algebraic Geometry
On Euler characteristics for large Kronecker quivers
p. 273-276

Analytic Geometry
Semistability of invariant bundles over G/Γ, II
p. 277-280

Differential Geometry/Mathematical Physics
On the projective Randers metrics
p. 281-283

p. 299-302

Sur la fonction de taux dans les inégalités de Talagrand pour les processus empiriques
[About the rate function in Talagrandʼs inequality for empirical processes]
p. 303-305

Numerical Analysis/Calculus of Variations
Multiple-gradient descent algorithm (MGDA) for multiobjective optimization
p. 313-318

p. 325-328

Physique mathématique
Le transport neutronique avec des conditions aux limites générales (II)
[The neutron transport with general boundary conditions (II)]
p. 329-332

Issue no. 7-8 Table of Contents

Sous-tournois isomorphes à W5 dans un tournoi indécomposable
[Subtournaments isomorphic to W5 in an indecomposable tournament]
p. 333-337

Théorie des nombres
Suites récurrentes linéaires : terme général et idempotents
[Linear recurrence sequences: General term and idempotents]
p. 339-342

Théorie des nombres
Formes modulaires modulo 2 : Lʼordre de nilpotence des opérateurs de Hecke
[The nilpotence order of the mod2 Hecke operators]
p. 343-348

Mathematical Analysis/Functional Analysis
Functions of perturbed tuples of self-adjoint operators
p. 349-354

Mathematical Analysis
Closure of the set of pseudodifferential operators
p. 355-358

Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Physics
New boundary conditions on the time-like conformal infinity of the Anti-de Sitter universe
p. 359-364

Partial Differential Equations/Probability Theory
An analytic approach to the ergodic theory of a stochastic variational inequality
p. 365-370

Équations aux dérivées partielles
Résolution du problème de Dirichlet pour lʼéquation du Jacobien prescrit via lʼéquation de Monge–Ampère
[Solution of the Dirichlet problem for the prescribed Jacobian equation using the Monge–Ampère equation]
p. 371-374

p. 375-378

Partial Differential Equations
Existence of a global weak solution to Compressible Primitive Equations
p. 379-382

p. 383-388

Partial Differential Equations
A blowup result for the periodic NLS without gauge invariance
p. 389-392

p. 403-406

Géométrie algébrique/Géométrie analytique
Exemples de faisceaux cohérents sans résolution localement libre en dimension 3
[Examples of coherent sheaves with no resolution by locally free sheaves in dimension 3]
p. 411-412

p. 413-416

Differential Geometry/Mathematical Physics
Asymptotic flexibility of globally hyperbolic manifolds
p. 421-423

Differential Geometry/Topology
Homotopy of EVII
p. 425-426

Probability Theory/Statistics
On L2-structure of bilinear models on Zd
p. 427-432

Issue no. 9-10 Table of Contents

Les paires de tournois {3}-hypomorphes
[The pairs of {3}-hypomorphic tournaments]
p. 433-437

Combinatorics/Number Theory
Partition regularity and the primes
p. 439-441

Théorie des nombres
Une représentation galoisienne universelle attachée aux formes modulaires modulo 2
[A universal Galois representation attached to modular forms modulo 2]
p. 443-448

Théorie des nombres
Formes modulaires modulo 2 : structure de lʼalgèbre de Hecke
[Modular forms mod 2: Structure of the Hecke ring]
p. 449-454

Algebra/Algebraic Geometry
Projective geometry for blueprints
p. 455-458

p. 459-464

Complex Analysis/Functional Analysis
On the singular factor of a linear combination of holomorphic functions
p. 465-467

p. 475-479

Partial Differential Equations/Numerical Analysis
High order asymptotic-preserving schemes for the Boltzmann equation
p. 481-486

Équations aux dérivées partielles/Contrôle optimal
Stabilisation faible interne locale de système élastique de Bresse
[Weakly locally internal stabilization of elastic Bresse system]
p. 493-498

p. 499-503

p. 505-508

Géométrie algébrique/Systèmes dynamiques
Courbes algébriques ordinaires et tissus associés
[Ordinary algebraic curves and associated webs]
p. 513-518

Algebraic Geometry
Motivic Milnor fibers of a rational function
p. 519-524

Differential Geometry
Comparison between two complexes on a singular space
p. 525-528

Dynamical Systems/Mathematical Physics
On the symmetries of a Rikitake type system
p. 529-533

p. 535-538

p. 539-542

Issue no. 11-12 Table of Contents

Construction dʼopérades ensemblistes à partir de monoïdes
[Constructing set-operads from monoids]
p. 549-552

p. 561-564

Analyse complexe
Estimées L2 pour lʼopérateur ¯ sur des domaines pseudoconvexes dans une variété kählerienne complète à courbure bisectionnelle holomorphe strictement positive
[On L2-estimates for ¯ on pseudoconvex domains in a complete Kähler manifold with positive holomorphic bisectional curvature]
p. 565-570

Partial Differential Equations/Differential Geometry
On the prescribed scalar curvature problem on Sn: The degree zero case
p. 583-586

p. 597-602

p. 603-608

p. 609-611

Differential Geometry/Dynamical Systems
Persistence of noncompact normally hyperbolic invariant manifolds in bounded geometry
p. 617-620

Dynamical Systems
Discretization of harmonic measures for foliated bundles
p. 621-626

p. 627-631

Issue no. 13-14 Table of Contents

Amas de lacets markoviens
[Markovian loop clusters]
p. 643-646

p. 647-649

Théorie des nombres
Représentations modulo p dʼun sous-groupe de Borel de GL2(Qp)
[Modulo p representations of a Borel subgroup of GL2(Qp)]
p. 651-654

Chain conditions in special pullbacks
p. 655-659

Mathematical Analysis/Dynamical Systems
Sharp large deviations for some hyperbolic flows
p. 665-669

p. 689-692

Systèmes dynamiques
Note sur la continuité de la projection dans les facteurs de Host–Kra
[Note on the continuity of the projection in the Host–Kra factors]
p. 699-702

Plans dʼexpérience pour lʼestimation de la courbe de concentration et de lʼAUC
[Experimental designs for the estimation of the concentration curve and the AUC]
p. 707-710

Estimation de la fonction de régression pour variable explicative et réponse fonctionnelles dépendantes
[Nonparametric regression for functional response and functional regressor under dependance]
p. 717-720

Estimation par le minimum de distance de Hellinger dʼun processus ARFIMA
[Minimum Hellinger distance estimation of an ARFIMA process]
p. 721-725

Issue no. 15-16 Table of Contents

Les graphes (−2)-monohémimorphes
[(2)-monohemimorphic graphs]
p. 731-735

Group Theory/Topology
On a question of Serre
p. 741-744

Mathematical Analysis/Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Asymptotically exact Kornʼs constant for thin cylindrical domains
p. 749-752

Complex Analysis
Optimal constant problem in the L2 extension theorem
p. 753-756

p. 757-760

Contrôle optimal/Équations aux dérivées partielles
Synchronisation exacte dʼun système couplé dʼéquations des ondes par des contrôles frontières de Dirichlet
[Exact synchronization for a coupled system of wave equations with Dirichlet boundary controls]
p. 767-772

Geometry/Calculus of Variations
Geodesics in infinite dimensional Stiefel and Grassmann manifolds
p. 773-776

Algebraic Geometry
Hodge structures and Weierstrass σ-function
p. 777-780

Algebraic Geometry
Rational curves on Fermat hypersurfaces
p. 781-784

p. 789-792

Issue no. 17-18 Table of Contents

p. 801-806

Algèbres de Lie/Géométrie algébrique
La fonctorialité dʼArthur–Langlands locale géométrique et la correspondance de Howe au niveau Iwahori
[Geometric local Arthur–Langlands functoriality and Howe correspondence at the Iwahori level]
p. 813-816

Lie Algebras/Differential Geometry
Exponential map and L algebra associated to a Lie pair
p. 817-821

Complex Analysis
A note on the Bergman kernel of a certain Hartogs domain
p. 827-829

p. 831-835

Partial Differential Equations/Numerical Analysis
A divergence-free velocity reconstruction for incompressible flows
p. 837-840

Differential Geometry
Log-concavity of complexity one Hamiltonian torus actions
p. 845-848

Differential Geometry
Hebey–Vaugon conjecture II
p. 849-852

p. 861-865

Issue no. 19-20 Table of Contents

p. 867-870

Complex Analysis/Functional Analysis
Composition operators on Hilbert spaces of entire Dirichlet series
p. 875-878

Équations aux dérivées partielles/Analyse numérique
Approximation de rayon de Larmor fini pour les plasmas magnétisés collisionnels
[Finite Larmor radius approximation for collisional magnetized plasmas]
p. 879-884

p. 891-896

Functional Analysis/Differential Geometry
Model spaces for sharp isoperimetric inequalities
p. 897-902

Optimal Control/Numerical Analysis
On solutions of the matrix equations KXEXF=BY and MXF2+DXF+KX=BY
p. 903-906

Géométrie algébrique
Sur le nombre de points rationnels des variétés abéliennes et des Jacobiennes sur les corps finis
[On the number of points on abelian and Jacobian varieties over finite fields]
p. 907-910

Géométrie analytique/Topologie
Lʼindice topologique des champs de vecteurs sur les intersections complètes quasi-homogènes
[The topological index of vector fields at quasihomogeneous complete intersections]
p. 911-916

Differential Geometry/Dynamical Systems
On the kinetic equations of a lithium-ion battery model
p. 917-920

p. 921-924

Issue no. 21-22 Table of Contents

Proof of the Kontsevich non-commutative cluster positivity conjecture
p. 929-932

Number Theory
On the Erdős–Turán conjecture
p. 933-935

Algebra/Group Theory
Jacquet modules of ladder representations
p. 937-940

Mathematical Analysis/Theory of Signals
Sampling in a weighted Sobolev space
p. 941-944

p. 945-947

p. 955-958

p. 959-964

Differential Geometry
A construction of conformal-harmonic maps
p. 967-970

Differential Geometry
A Note on compact hypersurfaces in a Euclidean space
p. 971-974

Dynamical Systems
S-adic conjecture and Bratteli diagrams
p. 979-983

Mathematical Physics
On stable solutions of the finite non-periodic Toda lattice
p. 985-989

Calculus of Variations
An elementary exclusion principle for Michell trusses
p. 991-995

Issue no. 23-24 Table of Contents

Algèbres de Lie
Réflexions dans un cristal
[Reflections in a crystal]
p. 999-1002

Algèbres de Lie/Physique mathématique
Vecteurs de Perron–Frobenius et produits Gamma
[Perron–Frobenius vectors and Gamma products]
p. 1003-1006

p. 1011-1016

Analyse mathématique/Physique mathématique
Une famille de transformations de Bargmann circulaires
[A family of circular Bargmann transforms]
p. 1017-1022

Complex Analysis
The extendability of S-plurisubharmonic currents
p. 1023-1026

Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
A periodic unfolding operator on certain compact Riemannian manifolds
p. 1027-1030

Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Hölder stability estimates for some inverse pointwise source problems
p. 1031-1035

Partial Differential Equations/Probability Theory
Compensated fractional derivatives and stochastic evolution equations
p. 1037-1042

Partial Differential Equations
Spectral instability of some non-selfadjoint anharmonic oscillators
p. 1043-1046

Géométrie différentielle/Probabilités
Encadrement du barycentre convexe dʼune loi uniforme portée par une petite sphère S2 dans une 3-sphère
[Bounds for the convex barycenter of a uniform law carried on a small sphere S2 in a 3-sphere]
p. 1047-1050

Topology/Dynamical Systems
Minimal sets of R-closed surface homeomorphisms
p. 1051-1053