Comptes Rendus
Differential geometry
Conformally flat real hypersurfaces in nonflat complex planes
Comptes Rendus. Mathématique, Volume 356 (2018) no. 7, pp. 823-829.

In this paper, we prove that there are no conformally flat real hypersurfaces in nonflat complex space forms of complex dimension two provided that the structure vector field is an eigenvector field of the Ricci operator. This extends some recent results by Cho (Conformally flat normal almost contact 3-manifolds, Honam Math. J. 38 (2016) 59–69) and Kon (3-dimensional real hypersurfaces with η-harmonic curvature, in: Hermitian–Grassmannian Submanifolds, Springer, Singapore, 2017, pp. 155–164).

Dans cette note, nous démontrons qu'il n'existe pas d'hypersurface réelle conformément plate dans les espaces de formes complexes de dimension deux, non plats, pourvu que le champ de vecteurs structurel soit champ de vecteur propre de l'opérateur de Ricci. Ceci étend des résultats récents de Cho (Conformally flat normal almost contact 3-manifolds, Honam Math. J. 38 (2016) 59–69) et Kron (3-dimensional real hypersurfaces with η-harmonic curvature, in : Hermitian–Grassmannian Submanifolds, Springer, Singapore, 2017, pp. 155–164).

Published online:
DOI: 10.1016/j.crma.2018.04.025

Yaning Wang 1

1 School of Mathematics and Information Sciences, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, Henan, PR China
     author = {Yaning Wang},
     title = {Conformally flat real hypersurfaces in nonflat complex planes},
     journal = {Comptes Rendus. Math\'ematique},
     pages = {823--829},
     publisher = {Elsevier},
     volume = {356},
     number = {7},
     year = {2018},
     doi = {10.1016/j.crma.2018.04.025},
     language = {en},
AU  - Yaning Wang
TI  - Conformally flat real hypersurfaces in nonflat complex planes
JO  - Comptes Rendus. Mathématique
PY  - 2018
SP  - 823
EP  - 829
VL  - 356
IS  - 7
PB  - Elsevier
DO  - 10.1016/j.crma.2018.04.025
LA  - en
ID  - CRMATH_2018__356_7_823_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Yaning Wang
%T Conformally flat real hypersurfaces in nonflat complex planes
%J Comptes Rendus. Mathématique
%D 2018
%P 823-829
%V 356
%N 7
%I Elsevier
%R 10.1016/j.crma.2018.04.025
%G en
%F CRMATH_2018__356_7_823_0
Yaning Wang. Conformally flat real hypersurfaces in nonflat complex planes. Comptes Rendus. Mathématique, Volume 356 (2018) no. 7, pp. 823-829. doi : 10.1016/j.crma.2018.04.025.

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