Comptes Rendus

Table of contents

Algèbre homologique/Topologie différentielle
Extensions de fonctions d'un voisinage de la sphère à la boule
[Extending functions from a neighborhood of the sphere to the ball]
p. 712-716

Théorie des groupes/Géométrie algébrique
Extension des scalaires par le morphisme de Frobenius, pour les groupes réductifs
[Frobenius base change for reductive groups]
p. 717-719

Mathematical analysis/Partial differential equations
The quenching behavior of a quasilinear parabolic equation with double singular sources
p. 725-731

p. 732-736

Analyse complexe/Géométrie analytique
Une propriété de continuité associée aux classes de cohomologie de Hodge
[A property of continuity associated with Hodge cohomology classes]
p. 737-746

p. 747-756

Partial differential equations/Functional analysis
Electromagnetic wave propagation in media consisting of dispersive metamaterials
p. 757-775

Harmonic analysis/Ordinary differential equations
Solutions of a class of multiplicatively advanced differential equations
p. 776-817

Functional analysis
A norm inequality for positive block matrices
p. 818-822

Differential geometry
Conformally flat real hypersurfaces in nonflat complex planes
p. 823-829