Comptes Rendus
Experimental investigation and modelling of compressibility induced by damage in carbon black-reinforced natural rubber
Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, Volume 342 (2014) no. 5, pp. 299-310.

While natural rubber is commonly considered as an incompressible material, this study shows how carbon black-reinforced natural rubber (NR-CB), when subjected to various mechanical loading conditions (uniaxial, hydrostatic, monotonic, cyclic), is affected by volume change. Experiments show a volume variation even for low straining values and a significant volume change for large elongations. Moreover, volume change can be either reversible or not, depending on the loading conditions. It is related to a competition between void growth, chain orientation, and stress softening. At a microscopic scale, in situ Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) examinations and image analysis allow one to record damage and microscopic volume change as a function of elongation. Therefore the volume change measured at the microscopic scale is equal to the macroscopic one. Based on the experimental results, this paper shows that the hypothesis of incompressibility is worth being revisited. Thus, a nearly compressible approach was considered, where the strain energy is assumed to be the sum of spherical and deviatoric parts that are both affected by damage. The model was then implemented in a finite-element code. Good agreement was obtained between experimental results and model predictions for low triaxiality test conditions.

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DOI : 10.1016/j.crme.2014.02.005
Mots clés : Rubber, Compressibility, Cavitation, Damage, Constitutive behaviour, Finite element method

Sabine Cantournet 1 ; Khaled Layouni 1 ; Lucien Laiarinandrasana 1 ; Roland Piques 1

1 Centre des matériaux, CNRS UMR 7633, MINES ParisTech, BP 87, 91003 Évry cedex, France
     author = {Sabine Cantournet and Khaled Layouni and Lucien Laiarinandrasana and Roland Piques},
     title = {Experimental investigation and modelling of compressibility induced by damage in carbon black-reinforced natural rubber},
     journal = {Comptes Rendus. M\'ecanique},
     pages = {299--310},
     publisher = {Elsevier},
     volume = {342},
     number = {5},
     year = {2014},
     doi = {10.1016/j.crme.2014.02.005},
     language = {en},
AU  - Sabine Cantournet
AU  - Khaled Layouni
AU  - Lucien Laiarinandrasana
AU  - Roland Piques
TI  - Experimental investigation and modelling of compressibility induced by damage in carbon black-reinforced natural rubber
JO  - Comptes Rendus. Mécanique
PY  - 2014
SP  - 299
EP  - 310
VL  - 342
IS  - 5
PB  - Elsevier
DO  - 10.1016/j.crme.2014.02.005
LA  - en
ID  - CRMECA_2014__342_5_299_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Sabine Cantournet
%A Khaled Layouni
%A Lucien Laiarinandrasana
%A Roland Piques
%T Experimental investigation and modelling of compressibility induced by damage in carbon black-reinforced natural rubber
%J Comptes Rendus. Mécanique
%D 2014
%P 299-310
%V 342
%N 5
%I Elsevier
%R 10.1016/j.crme.2014.02.005
%G en
%F CRMECA_2014__342_5_299_0
Sabine Cantournet; Khaled Layouni; Lucien Laiarinandrasana; Roland Piques. Experimental investigation and modelling of compressibility induced by damage in carbon black-reinforced natural rubber. Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, Volume 342 (2014) no. 5, pp. 299-310. doi : 10.1016/j.crme.2014.02.005.

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