The particle flow code 2D (PFC2D) is used to establish a coplanar, non-persistent joint model. Three joint distribution types, namely, both-side (type a), scattered (type b), and central (type c), are set according to their position. Numerical simulations of the direct shear test are conducted to investigate the effect of non-persistent joint distribution and connectivity on shear mechanical behavior. Simulation results are in good agreement with the analytical solutions to Jennings' criterion, and show: (1) type-c and type-b joints have high strength, whereas type-a joints have low strength. Shear strength and modulus increase with a decrease in joint persistency, and the shear displacement that correspond to shear strength increases with a decrease in persistency. (2) The brittle failure characteristics of the sample are evident when the intact rock bridge area is large. Reinforcement at both ends of the joint limits shear deformation, and shear strength can be effectively improved when joint persistency is large. The small-area dispersed reinforcement joint method cannot effectively improve shear strength. (3) The comprehensive shear strength parameters and the shear strength of the non-persistent joints can be predicted well using Jennings' criterion. Cohesion is the dominant factor that controls shear strength.
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Hang Lin 1; Xuran Ding 1; Rui Yong 2; Wanzhong Xu 3; Shigui Du 2
@article{CRMECA_2019__347_6_477_0, author = {Hang Lin and Xuran Ding and Rui Yong and Wanzhong Xu and Shigui Du}, title = {Effect of non-persistent joints distribution on shear behavior}, journal = {Comptes Rendus. M\'ecanique}, pages = {477--489}, publisher = {Elsevier}, volume = {347}, number = {6}, year = {2019}, doi = {10.1016/j.crme.2019.05.001}, language = {en}, }
TY - JOUR AU - Hang Lin AU - Xuran Ding AU - Rui Yong AU - Wanzhong Xu AU - Shigui Du TI - Effect of non-persistent joints distribution on shear behavior JO - Comptes Rendus. Mécanique PY - 2019 SP - 477 EP - 489 VL - 347 IS - 6 PB - Elsevier DO - 10.1016/j.crme.2019.05.001 LA - en ID - CRMECA_2019__347_6_477_0 ER -
Hang Lin; Xuran Ding; Rui Yong; Wanzhong Xu; Shigui Du. Effect of non-persistent joints distribution on shear behavior. Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, Volume 347 (2019) no. 6, pp. 477-489. doi : 10.1016/j.crme.2019.05.001.
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