During machining processes, materials undergo severe deformations that lead to different behavior than in the case of slow deformation. The microstructure changes, as a consequence, affect the materials properties and therefore influence the functionality of the component. Developing material models capable of capturing such changes is therefore critical to better understand the interaction process–materials. In this paper, we introduce a new physics model associating Mechanical Threshold Stress (MTS) with Dislocation Density (DD) models. The modeling and the experimental results of a series of large strain experiments on polycrystalline copper (OFHC) involving sequences of shear deformation and strain rate (varying from quasi-static to dynamic) are very similar to those observed in processes such as machining. The Kocks–Mecking model, using the mechanical threshold stress as an internal state variable, correlates well with experimental results and strain rate jump experiments. This model was compared to the well-known Johnson–Cook model that showed some shortcomings in capturing the stain jump. The results show a high effect of rate sensitivity of strain hardening at large strains. Coupling the mechanical threshold stress dislocation density (MTS–DD), material models were implemented in the Abaqus/Explicit FE code. The model shows potentialities in predicting an increase in dislocation density and a reduction in cell size. It could ideally be used in the modeling of machining processes.
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Ziyad Zenasni 1; Mohamed Haterbouch 1; Zoubir Atmani 2; Samir Atlati 3; Mohammed Zenasni 3; Khalid Nasri 3, 4; Omar Oussouaddi 5
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Ziyad Zenasni; Mohamed Haterbouch; Zoubir Atmani; Samir Atlati; Mohammed Zenasni; Khalid Nasri; Omar Oussouaddi. Physics-based plasticity model incorporating microstructure changes for severe plastic deformation. Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, Volume 347 (2019) no. 8, pp. 601-614. doi : 10.1016/j.crme.2019.06.001. https://comptes-rendus.academie-sciences.fr/mecanique/articles/10.1016/j.crme.2019.06.001/
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