Various aspects of microfluidic flows with different immiscible constituents are addressed. The fundamental physical characteristics are proposed, as well as the flow regimes which are determined by the wetting and surface tension properties. These fundamental aspects are followed by engineering applications that emerge in microfluidics, namely the creation of microbubbles or drops. Further applications are also discussed, such as the transfer of heat in bubbly flows, or the transport of colloids and emulsions.
Nous présentons ici quelques aspects d'écoulements de fluides non miscibles dans des systèmes microfluidiques. On rappelle les caractéristiques physiques fondamentales, on montre que les propriétés de mouillage des fluides sur les surfaces ainsi que les propriétés de tension superficielle sont déterminantes pour les écoulements. On présentera quelques applications de ces écoulements telle la formation de microbulles, de gouttes. On évoquera quelques applications tels les transferts thermiques, ou le transport de colloı̈des ou d'émulsions.
Mots-clés : Écoulement microfluidique, Mouillage, Tension superficielle, Microbulles
Charles N. Baroud 1; Hervé Willaime 2
@article{CRPHYS_2004__5_5_547_0, author = {Charles N. Baroud and Herv\'e Willaime}, title = {Multiphase flows in microfluidics}, journal = {Comptes Rendus. Physique}, pages = {547--555}, publisher = {Elsevier}, volume = {5}, number = {5}, year = {2004}, doi = {10.1016/j.crhy.2004.04.006}, language = {en}, }
Charles N. Baroud; Hervé Willaime. Multiphase flows in microfluidics. Comptes Rendus. Physique, Microfluidics, Volume 5 (2004) no. 5, pp. 547-555. doi : 10.1016/j.crhy.2004.04.006.
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