Pierre-Noël Favennec 1
@article{CRPHYS_2005__6_6_583_0, author = {Pierre-No\"el Favennec}, title = {Foreword}, journal = {Comptes Rendus. Physique}, pages = {583--584}, publisher = {Elsevier}, volume = {6}, number = {6}, year = {2005}, doi = {10.1016/j.crhy.2005.08.001}, language = {en}, }
Pierre-Noël Favennec. Foreword. Comptes Rendus. Physique, Interaction of electromagnetic fields with the environment, Volume 6 (2005) no. 6, pp. 583-584. doi : 10.1016/j.crhy.2005.08.001. https://comptes-rendus.academie-sciences.fr/physique/articles/10.1016/j.crhy.2005.08.001/
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[3] W.C. Chew, B. Hu, Y.C. Pan, L.J. Jiang, Fast algorithms for layered media, C. R. Physique 6 (2005), in this issue
[4] D. Lesselier, M. Lambert, G. Perrusson, Shared issues of wavefield inversion and illustrations in 3-D diffusive electromagnetics, C. R. Physique 6 (2005), in this issue
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[6] A. Gati, Y. Adane, M.-F. Wong, J. Wiart, V. Fouad-Hanna, Inverse characterization of antennas by equivalent sources using spherical harmonics, C. R. Physique 6 (2005), in this issue
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