1 Introduction
The past decades have witnessed an enormous interest in predator-prey systems, with most of them focusing on homogeneous populations [1–5]. In fact, no natural population is truly homogeneous, many organisms undergo radical changes in many aspects such as the rates of survival, maturation, reproduction and predation while while they are processing their life history. Therefore, stage-structured predator-prey systems have received much attention recently [6–21].
However, these works [7–21] are largely using constant coefficient systems and have stage structures on only one of the interactive species. The research objectives mainly include the stability and permanence of the system, often with one particular type of functional response. In this article, we propose the following variable coefficient predator-prey system with time delays and stage structures for both interactive species, as well as different functional responses, Specifically, we will consider the condition for the permanence of the two species and the non-permanence condition for predators to become extinct:
(1) |
The above system assumes that the mature predators only feed on the mature prey population, the immature are produced by the mature populations. The birth rate of prey and predators (ri(t) > 0; i = 1, 2) is proportional to the existing mature population sizes.
The other parameters have the following biological meanings: c1(t) denotes the capturing rate of mature predators at time t, and c2(t)/c1(t) is the rate of conversion of nutrients from the mature prey into the reproduction of the mature predator; bi(t) > 0 (i = 1, 2) represents the intraspecific competition rate of mature prey and predators at time t, respectively; d11 and d12 are the death rate of immature and mature population of prey respectively, d22 and d21 are the death rate of immature and mature population of predator respectively; τi > 0(i = 1, 2) is the length of time from the birth to maturity of the species i. The term r1(t)e−d11τ1x2(t − τ1) represents the survived prey population born at time t − τ1, that is, the transition from the immature to mature prey. The term r2(t)e−d22τ2y2(t − τ2) denotes the survived predator population born at time t − τ2, that is, the transition from the immature to mature predator.
The term φ(x2)x2, the number of prey captured per predator per unit time, is called the predator functional response and satisfies the following assumptions
(2) |
The initial conditions of system (1) are given by
(3) |
For the continuity of initial conditions, we require further that
(4) |
Again, we define that
(5) |
2 Positivity and boundedness
Solutions of system(1)with initial conditions(3) and (4)are positive and bounded for all t ≥ 0.Theorem 2.1
First we show x2(t) > 0 for all t ≥ 0. Otherwise, noticing that x2(t) = φ2(t) > 0 for all −τ1 < t < 0. Then there exists a t∗ > 0, such that x2(t∗) = 0. Now denoting t0 = inf {t > 0 | x2(t) = 0}. Then t0 > 0 and from system (1), we haveProof
Hence . By the definition of t0, we have . A contradiction.
Thus x2(t) > 0 for all t > 0.
Again, considering the following equation
(6) |
We can easily obtain that
By induction, we can show x1(t) > 0 for all t ≥ 0.
Similarly, we can prove that y1(t) > 0 and y2(t) > 0 for all t ≥ 0.
Next, we will prove the boundedness of the solutions of system (1).
Defining the function
3 Permanence and non-permanence
If there exist positive constants mx, Mx, my and My, such that each solution (x1(t), x2(t), y1(t), y2(t)) of system (1) satisfiesDefinition 3.1
Then system (1) is permanent. Otherwise, it is non-permanent.
Consider the following equation:Lemma 3.2
where a, b, c > 0;u(t) > 0 for −τ ≤ t ≤ 0, we have
If the following assumptions holdTheorem 3.3
Then system(1)is permanent.
Let (x1(t), x2(t), y1(t), y2(t)) be any positive solution of system (1) for t ≥ 0. Firstly, from the second equation of system (1), we haveProof
By Lemma 3.2 and standard comparison theorem, we get
That is, for any ɛ > 0, there exists a T1 > 0, for any t > T1 > 0, such that .
Again, from the fourth equation of system (1), there exists a T2 > T1 > 0, for any t > T2, we have
Now, substituting it into the second equation of system (1), we have
From the fourth equation of system (1), there exists a T5 > T4 > 0, for any t > T5 > 0, we have
Again, from the first equation of system (1), we have
If (H1) and the following assumption holdTheorem 3.4
Then the prey population is permanent while the predators are non-permanent.
Let (x1(t), x2(t), y1(t), y2(t)) be any positive solution of system (1) for t ≥ 0. In order to prove the non-permanence of predators and permanence of prey population, we only show thatProof
If the assumption (H3) holds, then we obtain that and .
From the Proof of Theorem 3.3, there exists a T7 > T6 > 0, for any t > T7, we have
(9) |
4 Discussion
In this article, we have considered a stage-structured (for both interactive populations) predator-prey system with a class of functional response incorporating discrete time delay, and obtain the sufficient conditions for the permanence of system (1) and the non-permanence of predators. Our work has provided some valuable suggestions for regulating populations and saving endangered species. We see that the predators only forage on mature prey as food resource. Consequently, when the prey population size is lower than a certain level predators will not sustain. This is especially true for mature predators which are responsible for recruitment. In other words, as long as the population sizes of prey and predators maintain at a certain positive level, the predator-prey interaction will continue.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30970478,31100306).