p. CO2
Molecular biology and genetics/Biologie et génétique moléculaires
Genetic identification of Southern Ocean octopod samples using mtCOI
p. 395-404
Animal biology and pathology/Biologie et pathologie animales
Digestive cells in the midgut of Triatoma vitticeps (Stal, 1859) in different starvation periods
p. 405-415
Pharmacology, toxicology/Pharmacologie, toxicologie
Testicular steroidogenesis is not altered by 137 cesium Chernobyl fallout, following in utero or post-natal chronic exposure
[Le césium 137 (Tchernobyl) n’affecte pas la stéroïdogenèse testiculaire, lors de contaminations chroniques postnatales ou in utero]
p. 416-423
Ecology / Écologie
Expansion of green alder (Alnus alnobetula [Ehrh] K. Koch) in the northern French Alps: A palaeoecological point of view
p. 424-428
Ecology / Écologie
Why certain male grasshoppers have clubbed antennae?
[Pourquoi les mâles de certains Gomphocerinae (Orthoptera, Acrididae) ont des antennes renflées ?]
p. 429-437
Studying sources of incongruence in arthropod molecular phylogenies: Sea spiders (Pycnogonida) as a case study
[Étude des sources de conflit dans les phylogénies moléculaires des arthropodes : l’exemple des pycnogonides]
p. 438-453
Coordination between plant and apex development in Hordeum vulgare ssp. distichum
p. 454-460
p. CO3