p. iv-v
Biomodélisation/Biological modelling
Sur l’extinction des populations avec plusieurs types dans un environnement aléatoire
[On the extinction of populations with several types in a random environment]
p. 145-151
Molecular biology and genetics/Biologie et génétique moléculaires
Genetic diversity and population structure of a protected species: Polygala tenuifolia Willd
p. 152-159
p. 160-166
Formation of banded vegetation patterns resulted from interactions between sediment deposition and vegetation growth
p. 167-181
Animal biology and pathology/Biologie et pathologie animales
A mimetic nesting association between a timid social wasp and an aggressive arboreal ant
p. 182-188
Redescription of Paradiscocyrtus neglectus Mello-Leitão, 1927 (Opiliones: Gonyleptidae), with the designation of a neotype and two synonymies
p. 189-195
Ants impact the composition of the aquatic macroinvertebrate communities of a myrmecophytic tank bromeliad
p. 200-207