p. IFC
Molecular biology and genetics / Biologie et génétique moléculaires
Effect of deleterious nsSNP on the HER2 receptor based on stability and binding affinity with herceptin: A computational approach
p. 409-417
Physiology / Physiologie
Osmoregulation and antioxidant metabolism in drought-stressed Helianthus annuus under triadimefon drenching
p. 418-425
Physiology / Physiologie
Cadmium-induced oxidative stress and DNA damage in kidney of pregnant female rats
p. 426-432
p. 433-441
Plant biology and pathology / Biologie et pathologie végétales
Combined effects of long-term salinity and soil drying on growth, water relations, nutrient status and proline accumulation of Sesuvium portulacastrum
p. 442-451
Ecology / Écologie
Gardens in urbanizing rural areas reveal an unexpected floral diversity related to housing density
p. 452-465
Écologie / Ecology
Contribution à l'étude de la dynamique de l'occupation des sols de la plaine de la Macta (Algérie) à l'aide de la télédétection et des systèmes d'information géographique
[Contribution to the study of land-use dynamics in the plains of Macta (Algeria) with the aid of remote sensing and GIS]
p. 466-474
Ecology / Écologie
A glimpse of lignicolous marine fungi occurring in coastal water bodies of Tamil Nadu (India)
p. 475-480
Écologie / Ecology
Biodiversité des invertébrés aquatiques de la partie orientale de la baie et de l'estuaire de Seine : la base de données CISA, deux siècles d'observations
[Biodiversity of the aquatic invertebrates of the eastern part of the Bay and the Estuary of the Seine River: the CISA database, two centuries of observations]
p. 481-488
p. IBC